- Jdbgmgr.exe virus hoax
The jdbgmgr.exe
virus hoax involved ane-mail spam in2002 that advised computer users to delete a file named jdbgmgr.exe because it was acomputer virus . jdbgmgr.exe, which had a littleteddy bear -like icon (TheMicrosoft Bear ), was actually a valid Microsoft Windows file, the Debugger Registrar for Java (also known as Java Debug Manager, hence jdbgmgr).Featuring so odd an icon among normally dull system icons had an unexpected counterpoint: an email hoax warning users that this is a virus that somehow came into your computer and should be deleted. This hoax has taken many forms and is always very popular among non-expert users that find this icon suspicious.
The email has taken many forms, including saying its purpose was to warn
Hotmail users of a virus spreading viaMSN Messenger , or even to alert about a possible virus in theorkut web community. All say that it was not detected byMcAfee orNorton AntiVirus , which is obviously true. A further variant related the file with the "Bugbear" virus, which was a genuine virus, prevalent at the time.cite web|url=http://www.f-secure.com/hoaxes/jdbgmgr.shtml|title=F-Secure Hoax Information Pages: jdbgmgr.exe virus hoax]The effect of deleting the file was restricted to
Java developers who used "Microsoft Visual J++" v1.1.References
ee also
List of hoaxes
*Microsoft Bear External links
* [http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/jdbgmgr.exe.file.hoax.html Symantec's description]
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