

In physical cosmology, a protogalaxy, which could also be called a "primeval galaxy", is a cloud of gas which is forming into a galaxy. It is believed that the rate of star formation, during this period of galactic evolution, will determine whether a galaxy is a spiral or elliptical galaxy; a slower star formation tends to produce a spiral galaxy. The smaller clumps of gas in a protogalaxy form into stars. The term protogalaxy was mainly used in the Big Bang Theory.

ee also

* Dwarf galaxy
* Globular cluster
* Big Bang

External links

* [ Rare Blob Unveiled: Evidence For Hydrogen Gas Falling Onto A Dark Matter Clump?] European Southern Observatory (ScienceDaily) July 3, 2006

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  • protogalaxy — noun Date: 1950 a cloud of gas believed to be the precursor to a galaxy …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • protogalaxy — /proh toh gal euhk see, proh toh gal /, n., pl. protogalaxies. Astron. the large concentration of gas and dust from which a galaxy is formed. [1945 50; PROTO + GALAXY] * * * ▪ cosmology       in cosmology, vast cloud of gas that by contraction… …   Universalium

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