- Jesse Hughes (Virginian frontiersman)
Jesse Hughes (?-1829) was a western Virginian
frontier sman,hunter , and scout who explored parts ofVirginia andKentucky . Hughes was frequently involved in the warfare between settlers and Native Americans, and his scouting and fighting skills became well-known through stories of his exploits, a number of which have survived in historical documents.Willis Degas wrote, "He was a great favorite, and no scouting party could be complete, unless Jesse Hughes had something to do with it."Hughes married Grace Tanner in 1771. They lived in a cabin on Hacker's Creek, near a stream that is now known as "Jesse's run".
One of Jesse Hughes living relatives is James Batten the 3rd, who lived in West Virginia for 18 years of his life before moving to Washington where he currently resides. He is 24 yrs old today, still living.
External links
* [http://www.wvculture.org/history/notewv/jesse.html Listing of books and newspaper articles describing Jesse Hughes]
* [http://www.rootsweb.com/~wvharris/clarkstel2.html Jesse Hughes, Indian fighter- Remember him from history?]
* [http://www.muzzleblasts.com/vol5no2/articles/mbo52-3.html Jesse Hughes: The Legend, the Man]
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