Ekkehard of Huysburg

Ekkehard of Huysburg

The Blessed Ekkehard of Huysburg was a member of the cathedral chapter at Halberstadt and Benedictine abbot of Kloster Huysburg in Saxony-Anhalt in Germany.

Ekkehard lived in the 11th century. In about 1070 he was appointed by Bishop Burchard II of Halberstadt as the spiritual director of the anchorite Pia, who lived to the north of Halberstadt in the mountainous area called the Huy.

After a short time other men and women gathered there, and Ekkehard founded in 1080 the double monastery (i.e., for both monks and nuns) of the Huysburg ("fortress on the Huy"), of which he was elected the first abbot. Bishop Burchard consecrated him the following year; he resigned the office of abbot three years later.

Ekkehard died 28 June 1084 and was buried in the abbey church of Huysburg.

In 1121 he was beatified. His feast day is 28 June.

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