- Lycée Montaigne
The Lycée Montaigne is a famous French public
high school . It is located in the6th arrondissement ofParis , near theJardin du Luxembourg , and was founded in the 1880s.It offers a junior high school curriculum (a "Collège", 800 pupils), a high school curriculum ("
Lycée ", 1000 pupils), and a college-leve curriculum, known as "classes préparatoires" (150 pupils). The lycée has science (S), literature (L) and economics (ES) sections. The classes préparatoires are specialized in economics (ECE and ECS).It also has two international sections, in Portuguese and Polish.
Famous alumni of the Lycée Montaigne include:
Frédéric Beigbeder
*film-makerRené Clair
*Michel Debré , former French Prime Minister
*Richard Descoings , Director of theParis Institute of Political Studies
*Régis Laspalès
*Jean-Marie Lustiger , formerarchbishop of Paris
*former Primer Minister of LaosPhetsarath
*singer Renaud
*Jean-Paul Sartre
*Karl Stoeckel , president of the student union "Union nationale lycéenne " in 2005-2006.There is also a Lycée Montaigne in
Bordeaux , the website of which is http://montaigne.bordeaux.free.fr fr icon.External links
* http://www.montaigne-paris.fr fr icon
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