Jaime Jefferson

Jaime Jefferson

Jaime Jefferson (born January 17, 1962 in Guantanamo) is a retired long jumper who represented Cuba. Best known for his World Indoor Championships medals, he has also won the Pan American Games twice as well as other regional games.

In May 1990 he achieved a personal best jump of 8.53 metres, which puts him 13th in the all-time performers list.


*1997 Central American and Caribbean Championships - silver medal
*1993 World Indoor Championships - bronze medal
*1993 Central American and Caribbean Games - bronze medal
*1992 Olympic Games - fifth place
*1991 World Indoor Championships - silver medal
*1991 Pan American Games - gold medal
*1990 Central American and Caribbean Games - silver medal
*1989 Central American and Caribbean Championships - gold medal
*1987 Pan American Games - bronze medal
*1986 Central American and Caribbean Games - gold medal
*1985 Central American and Caribbean Championships - gold medal
*1983 Central American and Caribbean Championships - bronze medal
*1983 Pan American Games - gold medal

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