- Mike Hernández
Mike Hernández was a
Los Angeles, California City Councilman. In1997 Hernandez was arrested and pleaded guilty to purchasing and possessingcocaine . Because he struck a plea agreement whereby he agreed to seek treatment, the arrest was not in his record, and he was not required to resign his seat [" A Politician's Comeback May Take Him Only So Far" New York Times Oct. 29, 1997 [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B02E2D81231F93AA15753C1A961958260] ] . An effort to recall him fizzled, "mirror [ing] the more general state of politics in his 1st District, where a majority of residents are routinely excluded from having a say on matters of common concern because they are noncitizens who cannot vote and are on the lower rung of an electoral caste system that leaves a minority in charge" ["Noncitizens on Sidelines as Hernandez Recall Sputters", Los Angeles Times Feb. 2, 1998 [http://articles.latimes.com/1998/feb/02/news/mn-14754] ] , and he served out his term until 2001.*Chair: Community and Economic Development Committee
*Vice-Chair: Governmental Efficiency Committee
*Member: Intergovernmental Relations CommitteeHe has since worked as a staffer for former Councilman
Nate Holden and current councilmanBernard Parks . He is currently Assistant Chief of staff to CouncilwomanJan Perry .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.