

name = "Sellosaurus"
fossil_range = Late Triassic

image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Sellosaurus gracilis"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
superordo = Dinosauria
ordo = Saurischia
subordo = Sauropodomorpha
infraordo = Prosauropoda
familia = Plateosauridae
genus = "Sellosaurus"
genus_authority= von Huene, 1907-08
*"S. gracilis" von Huene, 1907-08 (type)

"Sellosaurus" is a genus of prosauropod dinosaur that lived in Triassic Europe, 225 mya. Like other prosauropods, it had a thumb claw it may have used to defend itself, and reach for food. It physically resembled "Plateosaurus", although initially the relationship between these animals was uncertain."Sellosaurus." In: Dodson, Peter & Britt, Brooks & Carpenter, Kenneth & Forster, Catherine A. & Gillette, David D. & Norell, Mark A. & Olshevsky, George & Parrish, J. Michael & Weishampel, David B. "The Age of Dinosaurs". Publications International, LTD. p. 44. ISBN 0-7853-0443-6.] A point of contrast between the two genera pertains to the variability in the teeth at the front and back of the jaw. Of the two, "Sellosaurus" had the highest level of variation.


"Sellosaurus" is one of the more well-known prosauropods. Over twenty skeletons have been so far discovered. These fossils were found in strata dated to the middle Late Triassic and located in Nordwurttemberg, Germany. The remains comprise what is believed to be at least three separate species. The dinosaur "Efraasia", a prosauropod from the same location, was long thought to be the same as "Sellosaurus", but this has been recently disproved.

ee also

* Late Triassic
* "Plateosaurus"


External links

* [ "Sellosaurus" in The Dinosaur Encyclopaedia] at Dino Russ's Lair

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