- Karađorđeva šnicla
Karadjordje's steak ( _sr. Karađorđeva šnicla - Карађорђева шницла) is a
Serbia n dish named after the SerbianPrince Karadjordje . It is a rolledveal orpork steak , stuffed with "kajmak ", breaded and baked (or fried). It is served with roastedpotato es andtartar sauce .The steak is sometimes called "girls' dream" (девојачки сан, "devojački san"),cite news
title = Devojački san
url = http://www.kurir-info.co.yu/Arhiva/2004/oktobar/06/ST-10-06102004.shtml
work =Kurir
date = 2004-10-06
accessdate = 2006-10-12
language = Serbian] and so is jokingly concluded that it must have been modelled after certain part of Karadjordje's anatomy.cite news
last = Dejanović
first = Velimir
title = Одликовао шницлу „Карађорђеву“
work =Politika
date = 2004-06-11
page = 25] However, the steak is a modern invention, created bychef Mića Stojanović in1959 who, when needed to prepare Kiev kotlet for a distinguished visitor from Russia faced with lack ofpoultry , so he used veal instead; not fully satisfied with the result, he pouredtartar sauce over it, and decorated it with a slice oflemon and pieces oftomato , which at the end resembledKaradjordje's star decoration , and thus was the steak named.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.