- Velocity XL
The Velocity XL is the eXtra Large version of the canard pusher aircraft from Velocity Aircraft. Available in 4 seat or 5 seat (the -5 version) configurations, this aircraft offers spacious, high performance long distance stylish cruising. Powered by either a Convert|260|hp|kW|0|abbr=on or Convert|300|hp|kW|-1|abbr=on Lycoming IO-540 engine, the XL offers a cruising range of convert|875|nmi|km mi|0 and a 75% power cruising speed of convert|185|kn|mph km/h|0 air speed. In 2006 Velocity released another variant, the TXL. This plane uses a turbocharged Continential 550 engine and is capable of 250 knots true airspeed at FL 250.
This airplane in standard or -5 configuration is available as both fixed gear and retractable gear.
ee also
Velocity SE
*Freedom Aviation Phoenix
*Rutan Long-EZ
*Rutan VariEze
*Rutan Defiant
*Berkut aircraft
*Cozy MK IV External links
* [http://www.velocityaircraft.com Velocity aircraft]
* [http://www.rguerra.com/velocity/ Building Velocity XL RG N724X]
* [http://www.velocityxl.com/ Building Velocity XL/FG N44VF]
* [http://wiki.velocityxl.com Velocity Builder's Wiki]
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