- Beuron Archabbey
Beuron Archabbey (in German Erzabtei Beuron, otherwise Erzabtei St. Martin) is a major house of the
Benedictine Order located atBeuron in the upper Danube valley inBaden-Württemberg inGermany ..
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries the
Beuron Art School , with its emphasis on earlyChristian andByzantine art , was influential on religious art of the period. One of the biggest exhibits of this type of art in the United States is atConception Abbey in Missouri which was founded on principals established by Beuron.The abbey continues to be a centre of study. The library is the largest monastic library in Germany, with over 400,000 books. Since 1884 the abbey has published the "Missale Romanum", a lay missal originally produced by Father
Anselm Schott of Beuron. The abbey also houses the Vetus-Latina-Institut ("Ancient Latin Institute"), which has for its purpose the collection and publication of all extant old Latin translations of theBible .References
* Gröger, P. Augustinus, OSB, 2005. "Das Kloster Beuron"; in: Edwin Ernst Weber (ed.): "Klöster im Landkreis Sigmaringen in Geschichte und Gegenwart" (Heimatkundliche Schriftenreihe des Landkreises Sigmaringen, Band 9), pp. 46-92. Lindenberg: Kunstverlag Josef Fink. ISBN 3-89870-190-5.
* Schaber, P. Johannes, OSB, 2003. "Phänomenologie und Mönchtum. Max Scheler, Martin Heidegger, Edith Stein und die Erzabtei Beuron"; in: Holger Zaborowski & Stephan Loos (eds.): "Leben, Tod und Entscheidung. Studien zur Geistesgeschichte der Weimarer Republik", pp. 71-100. Berlin.
* Stöckle, Joseph, 1888. "Das Kloster Beuron im Donauthale" (with illustrations and maps). Würzburg & Wien: Leo Woerl's Reisehandbücher.External links
*de icon [http://www.erzabtei-beuron.de/index.php Website of the Erzabtei Beuron]
*de icon [http://erzabtei-beuron.de/schott/index.php Schott Missal]
*de icon [http://www.erzabtei-beuron.de/kultur/vetus_latina.php Vetus-Latina-Institut]
* [http://www.la-bw.de/kloester-bw/include/thumbnail.php?originalBilddatei=%2Fdata%2Fwww%2Flarch%2Fkloester-bw%2Fbilder%2F727_0234.png&groesse=270 Picture of the abbey complex]
* [http://www.erzabtei.de/html/Jahrbuch/2002/Lenz/beuron2.jpgMural in the Beuronese style]
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