Janusz Gajos

Janusz Gajos

Janusz Gajos (born 23 September, 1939 in Dąbrowa Górnicza)Cite web|url= http://film.onet.pl/3289,1,Janusz_Gajos,osoba.html|title= Janusz Gajos biography|accessdate= 2007-06-16|last= Rożen|first= Joanna|publisher= Onet.pl|language= Polish] is a highly acclaimed and popular Polish actor.

He graduated in 1965 from the National Film School in Łódź as one of its best students despite having been rejected during entrance exams for three times.Cite web|url= http://www.culture.pl/en/culture/artykuly/os_gajos_janusz|title= Janusz Gajos profile|accessdate= 2007-06-16|publisher= Culture.pl] He debuted while he was still in film school in children's film "Panienka z okienka" in 1964. Shortly afterwards he was cast in a role of Janek Kos in a widely popular TV World War II series "Czterej pancerni i pies" ("Four tank men and a dog"). He starred in numerous other films and theatrical plays, notably in Krzysztof Kieślowski's "".


* "Ekipa (TV series)" as former Prime Minister Henryk Nowasz
* "Hamlet" (2004/II) (TV) as Claudius
* "Zemsta" (2002) aka "The Revenge" as Cześnik Raptusiewicz
* "Chopin. Pragnienie miłości" (2002) aka "Chopin: Desire for Love" as Duke Konstanty Pawlowicz
* "Tam i z powrotem" (2002) aka "There and Back" as Andrzej Hoffman
* "Przedwiośnie" (2001) aka "The Spring to Come" as Seweryn Baryka
* "Weiser (film)" (2001) as Antiquarian
* "Żółty szalik" (2000) (TV)
* "To ja, złodziej" (2000) aka "It's Me, the Thief" as Roman Wyskocz
* "Ostatnia misja" (2000) aka "The Last Mission" as Police Inspector
* "Egzekutor" (1999) as Kowalik
* "Fuks" (1999) as Policeman
* "Szczęśliwego Nowego Jorku" (1997) aka "Happy New York" as Professor
* "Czas zdrady" (1997) as Messer Niccolo
* "Poznań 56" (1996) as Professor
* "Akwarium" (1996)
* "Łagodna" (1995) aka "A Gentle Woman" as He
* "Śmierć jak kromka chleba" (1994) aka "Death as a Slice of Bread" as Miodek
* "" (1994) aka "Three Colors: White" as Mikolaj
* "Straszny sen Dzidziusia Górkiewicza" (1993) aka "The Terrible Dream of Babyface Gorkiewicz"
* "Szwadron" (1993) aka "Squadron"
* "Coupable d'innocence" (1992) aka "When Reason Sleeps"
* "Psy" (1992) aka "Pigs as Gross"
* "Ucieczka z kina 'Wolność'" (1991) aka "Escape From the 'Liberty' Cinema" as Cenzor
* "Stan wewnętrzny" (1990) aka "Inner State"
* "Dekalog" (1989) aka "The Decalogue" (mini) TV Series as Michal
* "Piłkarski poker" (1989) aka "Soccer Poker" as Referee Jan Laguna
* "Dekalog, cztery" (1988) (TV) aka "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother" as Michal
* "Big Bang" (1986) (TV) as Janek
* "Hamlet we wsi Głucha Dolna" (1985) (TV)
* "Rok spokojnego słońca" (1984) aka "The Year of the Quiet Sun" as Moonlighter
* "Wedle wyroków twoich" (1984) aka "After Your Decrees" as Driver
* "Alternatywy 4" (1983) TV Series as Jan Winnicki
* "Gwiezdny pył" (1982)
* "Limuzyna Daimler-Benz" (1982) aka "The Consul" as Kuschmerek
* "Nieciekawa historia" (1982) aka "Uninteresting Story"
* "Przesłuchanie" (1982) aka "Interrogation" as Major Zawada "Kapielowy"
* "Z dalekiego kraju" (1981) aka "From a Far Country: Pope John Paul II"
* "Człowiek z żelaza" (1981) aka "Man of Iron" as Committee Vice-Chairman
* "Wahadełko" (1981) aka Shilly-Shally
* "Wojna światów - następne stulecie" (1981) aka "The War of the World: Next Century "
* "Dyrygent" (1980) aka "Orchestra Conductor" as High Official
* "Kontrakt" (1980) aka "The Contract" as Boleslaw Bartoszuk
* "Kung-Fu" (1979) as Editor-in-Chief Maciek
* "Co mi zrobisz jak mnie złapiesz" (1978) aka "What Will You Do When You Catch Me?" as Supermarket Manager
* "Milioner" (1978) aka "Millionaire" as Józef Mikula
* "Mgła" (1976) aka "The Fog"
* "Wakacje z duchami" (1970) TV Series as Antoniusz
* "Bicz boży" (1967) aka "God's Whip" as Klen
* "Stajnia na Salwatorze" (1967) aka "Stall on Salvador "
* "Bariera" (1966) aka "Barrier" (uncredited) as Tram Driver with Letter "E"
* "Czterej pancerni i pies" (1966) TV Series as Pvt./Cpl./Sgt./Lt. Jan Kos
* "Szyfry" (1966) aka "The Codes" as White monk


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