- Linea aspera
Infobox Bone
Name = Linea aspera
Latin = linea aspera
GraySubject = 59
GrayPage = 246
Caption = Right femur. Posterior surface. (Linea aspera not labeled, but region is visible. Medial lip is at left; lateral lip is at right.)
Caption2 =
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System =
Artery =
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DorlandsPre = l_10
DorlandsSuf = 12496065
The linea aspera is a ridge of roughened surface on the posterior aspect of thefemur , to which are attachedmuscle s and intermuscularsepta .Its margins diverge above and below.
The linea aspera is a prominent longitudinal ridge or crest, on the middle third of the bone, presenting a medial and a lateral lip, and a narrow rough, intermediate line. It is an important insertion point for the adductors and the intermuscular septa that divides the thigh into three compartments. The tension generated by muscle attached to the bones is responsible for the formation of the ridges.
Above, the linea aspera is prolonged by three ridges.
* The lateral ridge is very rough, and runs almost vertically upward to the base of the greater trochanter. It is termed the gluteal tuberosity, and gives attachment to part of the
Glutæus maximus : its upper part is often elongated into a roughened crest, on which a more or less well-marked, rounded tubercle, thethird trochanter , is occasionally developed.* The intermediate ridge or
pectineal line is continued to the base of thelesser trochanter and gives attachment to thePectineus ;* the medial ridge is lost in the
intertrochanteric line ; between the intermediate and medial ridges a portion of theIliacus is inserted.Below
Below, the linea aspera is prolonged into two ridges, enclosing between them a triangular area, the "popliteal surface", upon which the
popliteal artery rests.* Of these two ridges, the lateral is the more prominent, and descends to the summit of the
lateral condyle .* The medial is less marked, especially at its upper part, where it is crossed by the
femoral artery . It ends below at the summit of themedial condyle , in a small tubercle, theadductor tubercle , which affords insertion to the tendon of theAdductor magnus .Muscles
* From the "medial lip" of the linea aspera and its prolongations above and below, the
Vastus medialis arises.* From the "lateral lip" and its upward prolongation, the
Vastus lateralis takes origin.* The
Adductor magnus is inserted "into the linea aspera", and to its lateral prolongation above, and its medial prolongation below.* "Between the Vastus lateralis and the Adductor magnus" two muscles are "attached":
** the Gluteus maximus inserted above,
** and the short head of theBiceps femoris arising below.* "Between the Adductor magnus and the Vastus medialis" four muscles are "inserted":
** theIliacus andPectineus above;
** theAdductor brevis andAdductor longus below.The linea aspera is perforated a little below its center by the "nutrient canal", which is directed obliquely upward.
=AdditionalExternal links
* [http://www.rad.washington.edu/anatomy/distalthighanat2.html University of Washington]
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