Anton Medan

Anton Medan

Anton Medan (born Tan Hok Liang on October 10, 1957) is a former robber and gambling tycoon who converted to Islam and became a preacher in 1992. Prior his conversion to Islam, he grew up amid the dark politics of Indonesia. It was during the Suharto's New Order rule when gangsters were used in politics, business and government agencies. [cite journal|author=Benedict R. O'G. Anderson |title=Indonesian Nationalism Today and in the Future |journal=Indonesia |volume=67 |date=1999| pages=1–12 |url= |doi=10.2307/3351374]

In 1998, Anton Medan was put as a scapegoat being the orchestrator of the Jakarta Riots after which the allegation was then quietly dropped. The riot, which was initially a student demonstration to protest against the Indonesian president Suharto, turned into an anti-Chinese demonstration in the capital Jakarta. Anton Medan is of Chinese descent, but he took the street joining the riot to prove himself that he was loyal to the people or himself became a target. In the political turmoil of 1998, it was also reported that Prabowo Subianto, Suharto's son-in-law and the commander of Kopassus, had recruited and manipulated Anton Medan to gain millitant supporters.cite journal|author=Loren Ryter |title=Pemuda Pancasila: The Last Loyalist Free Men of Suharto's Order |journal=Indonesia |volume=66| date=1998 |pages=45–73| url=]

During the investigation of the 1998 riot, Anton Medan denied the accusation that he was actively in role behind the scene, although he admitted that he was in the middle of the mob. However, he refused to testify unless the National Human Rights Commission rehabilitated his name first. [cite news|publisher=Kompas| url=| language=Indonesian| title=Kasus Kerusuhan Mei - Anton Medan Bersedia Bersaksi Bila Komnas HAM Rehabilitasi Namanya (The Mei Riot - Anton Medan is Willing to Testify When Komnas HAM Rehabilitates His Name)| date=12 August 2003| accessdate=2007-03-29]


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