

name = "Bahariasaurus"
fossil_range = Late Cretaceous

image_width = 200 px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
superordo = Dinosauria
ordo = Saurischia
subordo = Theropoda
genus = "Bahariasaurus"
genus_authority = Stromer, 1934
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
"B. ingens" Stromer, 1934 (type

"Bahariasaurus" (meaning "Bahariya lizard") was originally thought to be a very large carnivorous dinosaur. It is probably synonymous with "Deltadromeus", another predatory dinosaur from the Cretaceous of Africa.Mortimer, M. (2007). [ "Ceratosauria"] The Theropod Database.] It was a huge theropod, in the same size range as "Tyrannosaurus" and the contemporary genera "Carcharodontosaurus" and "Spinosaurus".cite journal |last=Smith |first=J.B. |coauthors=Lamanna, M.C.; Lacovara, K.J.; Dodson, P.; Smith, J.R.; Poole, J.C.; Giegengack, R.; and Attia, Y. |year=2001 |title=A Giant sauropod dinosaur from an Upper Cretaceous mangrove deposit in Egypt |journal=Science |volume=292 |issue=5522 |pages=17041706 |doi=10.1126/science.1060561 |pmid=11387472]

The type species, "B. ingens", was described by Ernst Stromer in 1934,Stromer, E. (1934). "Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. E. Stromers in den Wüsten Ägyptens. II. Wirbeltier-Reste der Baharije-Stufe (unterstes Cenoman)." 13. Dinosauria. Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung n.f., 22: 179.] though the type specimen was destroyed during World War II. The exact placement of "Bahariasaurus" is uncertain. It has been variously assigned to several theropod groups, including Carcharodontosauridae (by Rauhut in 1995) and Tyrannosauroidea (by Chure in 2000). More specimens would be needed to more accurately classify it, and to determine its relationship to "Deltadromeus".Rauhut, (1995). "Zur systematischen Stellung der afrikanischen Theropoden "Carcharodontosaurus" Stromer 1931 und "Bahariasaurus" Stromer 1934." "Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen", E16 (Gundolf-Ernst-Festschrift): 357-375.] Chure, (2000). "A new species of "Allosaurus" from the Morrison Formation of Dinosaur National Monument (Utah-Colorado) and a revision of the theropod family Allosauridae." Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1-964.]


External links

* [ "Bahariasaurus" at DinoRuss site]
* [ Ceratosauria]

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