John Ankerberg

John Ankerberg

John Ankerberg (b. December 1945) is the host of the nationally-syndicated Evangelical Christian television talk show. The show is broadcast from Chattanooga, Tennessee in all 50 states and 200 countries with a potential viewing audience of 3 billion people. It highlights contemporary Christian viewpoints and debates among well known Christian scholars.

Ankerberg holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Luther Rice Seminary and is an ordained Baptist minister. He is the author or co-author of 87 books, primarily through Harvest House Publishers.


* “The Television Program Producer of the Year Award”, National Religious Broadcasters, 1992.
* “Genesis Award”, Southeastern Chapter of the National Religious Broadcasters, 1984.


* Attended Prospect High School, Mount Prospect, IL 1960 to 1964.
* Graduate of the University of Illinois, B.A., 1968.
* Graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with Master of Arts in Church History and Philosophy of Christian Thought, 1972.
* Graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with Master of Divinity degree, 1973
* Attended Bethel Theological Seminary, Saint Paul, MN, completing course work for
** Doctor of Ministry program 1977 and 1978.
* Transferred to Luther Rice Seminary, Jacksonville, FL, graduating with Doctor of Ministry degree, 1990



In his talk show, he is criticized as giving the appearance of an unbiased host, but instead argues the conservative Christian position. He has also received criticism for his views on creation and debates with religious leaders of religions outside of Christianity. Criticism has been most notable in a legal lawsuit regarding a group called The Local Church, which levied a $136 million dollar, multi-year lawsuit. This lawsuit was ultimately turned down at the Supreme Court level.

Member of

* The International Society of Christian Apologists (Matthews, NC)
* The Board of Directors of the National Religious Broadcasters (Manassas, VA)
* The Board of Reference of The Christian Film and Television Commission (Atlanta, GA)
* The Board of Reference for the Institute for Religious Research (Grand Rapids, MI)
* The Board of Reference for the Christian Service Brigade (Wheaton, IL)

Other links

* [ The John Ankerberg Show Website]
* [ Ankerberg bio]
* [ Rapture Ready Bio on John Ankerberg]

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