Antichrist (virus hoax)

Antichrist (virus hoax)

"Antichrist" was a computer virus hoax distributed to Spanish computer users via email.


The following is a translation of the text in the email:

ALERT: THE WORST VIRUS IN HISTORY.A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by Microsoft and Mcafee as the most destructive of all time. This virus was discovered yesterday and is known by the name of ANTICHRIST; no antivirus has been discovered; it simply destroys the zeroth sector of the hard disk, where vital information for its operation is kept.
It works in the following way:
1. -) It sends itself to all the names in your address book with the title:
2. -) As soon as it is installed, it destroys the zeroth sector and in this way it permanently destroys the hard disk. Please send this E-mail to as many people as you can; in case you receive an e-mail with subject "SURPRISE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!, get advice from an expert because it can install itself automatically.

Original Spanish text

Acaba de ser descubierto un nuevo virus que ha sido clasificado por Microsoft y por Mcafee como el mas destructor de todos los tiempos. Este virus fue descubierto ayer y se esta conociendo con el nombre de ANTICRISTO, no ha sido encontrado un antivirus, simplemente destruye la trilla cero del disco duro, donde estan guardadas. Informaciones vitales para su funcionamiento. Funciona de la siguiente manera:
1.-) Se autoenvia a todos los nombres de su agenda con el titulo:
2.-) En el momento que se instala destruye la trilla cero y asi destruye para siempre el disco duro. Por favor enviar este E-Mail al mayor numero de personas posibles, en caso de recibir un e-mail con asunto "SORPRESA?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", hagase aconsejar por un experto ya que tiene la capacidad de autoinstalarse.

External links

* [ Symantec Security Response - Badtimes Hoax]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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