POL can stand for:

* as a three letter national code
* To stand for the Polish language in ISO standards ISO 639-2 and ISO 639-3 .
* Petroleum, Oil, Lubricants (or Paint, Oil, Lubricants), military acronym generally referring to all flammable liquids and solids.
* Point of Load converter, an electronics term also known as a VRM or Voltage Regulator Module
* Prest-O-Lite, referring to the gas fitting used with LPG (Propane) bottles
* The Party of the Left of the Yale Political Union
* PlayOnline, an online gaming service
* [http://www.polserver.com Penultima OnLine] , an Ultima Online server emulator
* In genetics, Pol refers to DNA and RNA Polymerase such as Pol 1
* The nickname of Apolonio Medina Jr., creator of the Philippine daily comic "Pugad Baboy"

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