1694 in art

1694 in art


* (unknown)


* (unknown)


* John Michael Rysbrack - Flemish sculptor (d. 1770)
* John Vanderbank - English portrait painter and book illustrator (d. 1739)
* Pietro Bianchi - Italian painter of the Baroque period, active in Genoa and Rome (d. 1740)
* Vincenzo Meucci - Italian painter with many patrons, including Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici (d. 1766)
* Giuseppe Pedretti - Italian painter of lunettes and altarpieces (d. 1770)
* Antonio Sacchi - Italian painter of the Baroque period (b. "unknown")
* Charles-Antoine Coypel - French painter, art commentator, and playwright (d. 1752)
* Ottone Hamerani - Italian medallist (d. 1761)


* July 25 - Hishikawa Moronobu, Japanese painter (b. 1618)
* December 2 - Pierre Paul Puget, French artist (b. 1620)
* Gabriel de la Corte - Spanish painter (b. 1648)
* John Michael Wright - British baroque portrait painter (b. 1617)
* Filippo Lauri - Italian painter, became the "Principe" or director of the Accademia di San Luca (b. 1623)
* Giacomo Lauri - Italian engraver of the Baroque period (b. 1623)
* Giovanni Peruzzini - Italian painter of lunettes and religious themed works (b. 1629)
* Ludovico Trasi - Italian painter of the Baroque period, born and active in Ascoli Piceno (b. 1634)
* Martin Desjardins - French sculptor and stuccoist of Dutch birth (b. 1637)

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