

name = "Gynostemma pentaphyllum"

image_width = 270px
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Cucurbitales
familia = Cucurbitaceae
subfamilia = Zanonioideae
subtribus = Gomphogyninae
genus = "Gynostemma"
species = "G. pentaphyllum"
binomial = "Gynostemma pentaphyllum"
binomial_authority = (Thunb.) Makino 1902

"Gynostemma pentaphyllum", also called jiaogulan (zh-cp|c=|p=jiǎogǔlán, literally "twisting-vine-orchid" ) is an herbaceous vine of the family Cucurbitaceae (cucumber or gourd family) indigenous to the southern reaches of China, southern Korea and Japan. Jiaogulan is best known as an herbal medicine reputed to have powerful antioxidant and adaptogenic effects that increase longevity.


Jiaogulan is a vine hardy to USDA zone 8 in which it may grow as a short lived perennial plant. It can be grown as an annual in most temperate climates, in well-drained soil with full sun. The plant is dioecious, meaning each plant exists either as male or female, thus if seeds are desired both a male and female plant must be grown. Unlike most of the Cucurbitaceae, jiaogulan does not show toxicity.


Jiaogulan is most often consumed as an herbal tea, and is also available as an alcohol extract and in capsule or pill form.cite book
last = Blumert
first = Michael
coauthors = Jialiu Liu
title = Jiaogulan: China's "Immortality" Herb
publisher = Torchlight Publishing
year = 2003
location = Badger, CA
pages = 66-70
isbn = 1-887089-16-0
] It is known as an adaptogen and antioxidant and has been found to increase superoxide dismutase (SOD) which is a powerful endogenous cellular antioxidant. Studies have found it increases the activities of macrophages, T lymphocytes and natural killer cells and that it acts as a tumor inhibitor. [Liu et al. "Therapeutic and Tonic effects of Jiaogulan on Leukopenia Patients".] Due to its adaptogenic effects it is frequently referred to as "Southern Ginseng," although it is not closely related to true Panax ginseng. Its adaptogenic constituents include the triterpenoid saponins gypenosides which are closely structurally related to the ginsenosides from the well-known medicinal plant ginseng. It has been shown to lower cholesterol levels in human studies. [LaCour, Molgaard and Yi. Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Lipidaemia. 1995]

The plant is best known for its use as an herbal medicine in traditional Chinese medicine, although its inclusion in Wu Qi-Jun's 1848 botany book "Zhi Wu Ming Shi Tu Kao Chang Bian" discusses a few medicinal uses and seems to be the earliest known documentation of the herb. Prior to that, Jiaogulan was cited as a survival food in Zu Xio's 1406 book "Materia Medica for Famine". Until recently it was a locally known herb used primarily in regions of southern China. It is described by the local inhabitants as the immortality herb, because people within the Guizhou Province, where jiaogulan tea is drunk regularly, have a history of living to a very old age.cite book
last = Winston
first = David
authorlink = David Winston
coauthors = Steven Maimes
title = Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief
publisher = Healing Arts Press
month = April | year = 2007
isbn = 978-1594771583
Contains a detailed herbal monograph on jiaogulan and highlights health benefits.] cite book
last = Bensky
first = Dan
coauthors = Andrew Gamble, Steven Clavey, Erich Stöger
title = Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica, 3rd Edition
publisher = Eastland Press
month = September | year = 2004
pages =
isbn = 978-0939616428
] Most research has been done since the 1960s when the Chinese realized that it might be an inexpensive source for adaptogenic compounds, taking pressure off of ginseng stock.

Adaptogenic herbs are nontoxic in normal doses, produce a nonspecific defensive response to stress, and have a normalizing influence on the body. They normalize the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis). As defined, adaptogens constitute a new class of natural, homeostatic metabolic regulators. However they are also functional at the level of allostasis which is a more dynamic reaction to long term stress, lacking the fixed reference points of homeostasis. [Robyn Klein (2004). [http://www.rrreading.com/files/Manu%20Allostasis%20and%20Adaptogens.pdf Allostasis Theory and Adaptogenic Plant Remedies] .] Jiaogulan is a calming adaptogen which is also useful in formula with codonopsis for jet lag and altitude sickness.

Alternate names

Western languages such as English and German commonly refer to the plant as jiaogulan. Other names include: [ [http://www.immortalitea.com/othernames.htm Other Names for Jiaogulan] ]
*Chinese: "xiancao" (, literally "immortal grass"; more accurately "herb of immortality")
*English: five-leaf ginseng, poor man's ginseng, miracle grass, fairy herb, sweet tea vine, gospel herb
*Japanese: "amachazuru" (kanji: ; hiragana: あまちゃずる; literally "amacha"=sweet, "cha"=tea, "zuru"=vine)
*Korean language: "dungkulcha" ( 덩굴차) or "dolwe" ( 돌외)
*Latin: "Gynostemma pentaphyllum" or "Vitis pentaphyllum"
*Thai: "jiaogulan" (เจียวกู่หลาน)
*Vietnamese: "giảo cổ lam"

Jiaogulan tea is also marketed in the United States under the trade names Panta tea or Penta tea, depending on the supplier.


External links

* [http://www.aumtea.com/scientific_studies.htm A summary of scientific studies related to the effectiveness of Jiaogulan and gypenosides on a commercial site]
* [http://www.drugdigest.org/DD/DVH/HerbsWho/0,3923,552773|Jiaogulan,00.html Drug Digest presents side-effects and interactions for Gynostemma]
* [http://www.immortalitea.com/J_history.htm History of Jiaogulan]

Further reading

*Saleeby, J. P. " [http://www.xlibris.com/wonderherbs Wonder Herbs: A Guide to Three Adaptogens] ". (The third chapter is dedicated to jiaogulan.)

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