Kaweah Colony

Kaweah Colony

The Kaweah Colony was a utopian Socialist community in central California founded in 1886. Located in the Sierra Nevada range, they lived near groves of giant sequoia trees. The colony officially disbanded in 1892. The establishment of Sequoia National Park in 1890 contributed to the colony's demise. Some of their descendants still reside in the area.

Inspired by the writings of Laurence Gronlund, colony leaders attempted to apply the ideals of scientific socialism. The writings of United States socialist Edward Bellamy also influenced the project. This colony based its economy on logging. Membership cost $500 with $100 payable upon application and the remainder in installments of cash or labor. Estimated nationwide membership peaked at 300-500 individuals, many of whom were non-resident supporters. The colony published the local area's first newspaper.

Kaweah Colony is notable for its exploration of giant sequoia groves. The colony attempted unsuccessfully to change the name of the General Sherman tree to the Karl Marx tree.

The colony ran into legal problems when they attempted to continue operations after the creation of the national park. A Los Angeles court convicted them of illegal logging. For more than four decades some colonists attempted to gain government compensation for the loss of their logging claims.

Kaweah lives on in name at Twin Oaks Community, a contemporary commune of 100 members in Virginia. All Twin Oaks' buildings are named after communities that no longer exist, and "Kaweah" is the name of the largest and most eco-featured residence.


Jay O'Connell, "Co-Operative Dreams: A History of The Kaweah Colony". ISBN 0-9673370-0-3

External links

* [http://www.kaweahcommonwealth.com/history-kc.htm Kaweah Commonwealth Online]
* [http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/24-09/24-09-3.pdf United States Park Service] publication about Kaweah Colony
* [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1216/is_4_214/ai_n13606785 Kaweah country]

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