

Patera may refer to:

*A patera was a broad, shallow dish used for drinking, primarily in a ritual context such as a libation

*"Patera" (plural "paterae") is used in astrogeology to refer to shallow craters with irregular, sometimes scalloped rims

*Patera (snail) is a kind of flattened or saucer-shaped land snail found in the eastern United States

*A Patera (plural "pateras") is, in architecture, a shallow circular decorative element, typically found on walls or at the junction of straight decorative elements such as ceiling coffers.

*In the Spanish language, a patera is a type of boat. In current usage it refers to any of the floating devices used by African people smugglers to transport illegal immigrants from Africa to Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands (more recently also to Gran Canaria and Tenerife) or across the Strait of Gibraltar to Andalusia.

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