

Paresis is a condition typified by partial loss of movement, or impaired movement. When used without qualifiers, it usually refers to the limbs, but it also can be used to describe the muscles of the eyes (ophthalmoparesis) and also the stomach (gastroparesis). Neurologists use the term paresis to describe weakness, and plegia to describe paralysis in which all movement is lost.



* Monoparesis -- One leg or one arm
* Paraparesis -- Both legs or both arms
* Hemiparesis -- One arm and one leg on either side of the body
* Quadraparesis -- All four limbs

These terms frequently refer to the impairment of motion in multiple sclerosis.


* Gastroparesis -- Impaired stomach emptying
* It is also used to describe a form of ophthalmoplegia.
* In the past, the term was most commonly used to refer to "General paresis," which was a symptom of untreated syphilis. [MedlinePlusEncylopedia|000748] However, due to improvements in treatment of syphilis, it is now rarely used in this context.

ee also

* Ataxia
* Malaise
* Asthenia
* Debility
* Muscle weakness
* Fatigue (physical)
* Atony
* Hypotonia


External links

* [ Overview]
* [ Hind Limb Paresis and Paralysis in Rabbits]

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