

Virkon is a brand name for a powerful, multi-purpose disinfectant. The solution is used in many areas, including hospitals, laboratories, nursing homes, funeral homes, medical, dental and veterinary facilities, and anywhere else where control of pathogens is required. It is typically used for cleaning up hazardous spills, disinfecting surfaces and soaking equipment.Antec International (2003). "Virkon Broad Spectrum Disinfectant" (EPA Label). PDFlink| [] |256 KiB ]

Virkon has a remarkable spectrum of activity against viruses, fungi, and bacteria.,It is also effective against SARS surrogateAntec International (2003). "Antec Human Health Technical Information: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)." PDFlink| [] |73.2 KiB ] and Avian influenza. For full effectiveness it must be sprayed liberally on a surface and allowed to sit for at least two (and up to ten) minutes before being wiped off.

The disinfecting agents and detergents work synergistically to attack pathogens.

Preparation and use

It is most often sold as pink tablets or powder which dissolve readily in water. It is intended to be mixed with water to form a 1% to 3% solution (by weight, i.e. 10g to 30g per litre). The pink colour is useful in that in helps gauge the concentration when preparing the Virkon, and importantly, as the Virkon ages it discolours, making it obvious when it needs to be replaced. The solution is generally stable for five to seven days.

Virkon has a faint raspberry odor, but the scent is still considered unpleasant by some. It is relatively safe in terms of skin contact, but can cause eye damage and should not be used as a hand-washing liquid.

Virkon is a registered trademark of Antec International Limited, a subsidiary of DuPont..


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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