Sasquatch (Darkstalkers)

Sasquatch (Darkstalkers)

General CVG character

japanactor=Kan Tokumaru
series="Darkstalkers" series, "Marvel vs. Capcom" series, "SNK vs." series
inuniverse=Darkstalkers character
height=5 ft 5 in (166 cm)
weight=397 lb. (180 kg)

nihongo|Sasquatch|サスカッチ|Sasukatchi is a character from the fictional "Darkstalkers" series. He is based on Bigfoot, but also has many similarities to the Yeti.



The village where the Bigfoot people dwell lies in a basin within the Rocky mountains of Canada. It is surrounded by steep mountains. Below their village is a huge frozen lake which is covered with thick ice. This is where they catch their primary source of food; fish. About 100 Bigfoots live in this village. To them, it is more like a big family than a tribe. The temperature of this area is constantly at -30 degrees Fahrenheit. Near the entrance to their primary settlement is a village called Crevasse. A snowstorm rages in this area all but constantly and as such it is very hard for a human to gain access. Even if they somehow manage, their rude intrusion may anger the native Bigfoots, slimming their chances of escape considerably.

The Bigfoots are not a violent people. In fact, they are friendly towards other races. But this is only if manners are shown. As long they are not treated as simply beasts and visitors show signs of sincerity, Bigfoots will show signs of friendship. To them, human sincerity means bananas or other delicious foods. To keep a good relation, food is an essential item.

The tribe of the Bigfoots has many ties with other races outside of humanity, these allies are evidenced in some of Sasquatch's attacks.


*Despite his tribe's initial intentions to battle with other makai tribes and humanity in order to take over, it seems that the Bigfoot tribe is one of the more harmless races in the "Darkstalkers" series. They were easily subjugated before this invasion by a human merely giving them a banana. This fruit would become the Bigfoot tribes most prized food, as well as become a slight obsession, possibly opening trade relations with the human race just to get the wonderful fruit.
*In the American cartoon, Sasquatch was a member of the good Darkstalkers, and was renamed "Bigfoot". Like the games, lived in a mountaintop village with others of his kind, and apparently has cellular phone service in his tribe's homeland. He also had a young nephew named "Hairball" in the series. He was voiced by Dale Wilson.
*In the Darkstalkers anime, he battles Pyron and manages to freeze him though he is beaten after Pyron breaks free of the ice and entraps him inside his energy shield before slamming him into the ice. It isn't revealed if he survived or not since a sequel hasn't been produced yet. The glimpse of a (Makai?) whale in the end of this sequence hints that he may have escaped at the last moment.
*According to official Capcom source books, the Bigfoot tribe have their own distinct communication network using Makai Seals called "Makai Postal". This is the Bigfoot's information source and it proves a cultural and modern standard of living. Even when Sasquatch left his village, they used Stone Mail to maintain contact. This delivery service spans all over the world. It can send mail to the South Pole or North Pole within 4 days. This is accomplished through the assistance of a Makai beast, the Mach-Crab race. This is never mentioned in the games, however.
*The penguin-like creatures that appear during Sasquatch's Dark Force sequence are known as "Snowslide Penguins". They dwell in the same village as the Bigfoots. They are helping Sasquatch when they hear about the disappearance of their village members.
*The Snowman belong to a Makai race aptly called the Snowman race. They have the ability to make it snow or to cause the temperature to fall. To aid Sasquatch, they follow him into Majigen.
*The Snow Beast race (the sled dogs that appear during Big Sledge) are a very shy race. They are very friendly towards the Bigfoot race but rarely show themselves. But when it is urgent, they quickly appear and use their immense powers to help Sasquatch.
*The Small Makai Whale is a long time friend of Sasquatch. Its huge strike from its tail is always powerful. There have been interchange since the tribe leader, Tundra, was young.

Again, none of this is actually mentioned within the game, and comes from outside material.

External links

* Sasquatch's [ Darkstalkers] entry at []

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