SRC may refer to:


* Sid Richardson College, one of nine residential colleges on the Rice University campus in Houston, Texas, USA
* Simon's Rock College, a small liberal arts college located in the small town of Great Barrington, Massachusetts, USA
* Spoon River College, a community college located in Illinois, USA
* Students' Representative Council, a council that represents student interests in the government of a university, school or other educational institution


* SRC (band), a rock band from the late 1960s
* SRC Records, an American record label
* Snake River Conspiracy, an American rock band


* DEC Systems Research Center, a research laboratory created by Digital Equipment Corporation in 1984
* Obelisk SRC, a new tool designed to aid students with managing their school life
* Sample rate conversion, the process of converting a signal from one sampling rate to another
* Saskatchewan Research Council, a technology corporation
* Science and Engineering Research Council, the UK agency in charge of publicly funded scientific activities from 1965 to 1981
* Scottish Refugee Council, a charity based in Scotland
* Semiconductor Research Corporation, a non-profit consortium founded in 1982
* SRC Computers, a privately owned company
* Short rotation coppice is grown as an energy crop


* "Société Radio-Canada", French name for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, a Canadian crown corporation
* Space Research Corporation, founded by Gerald Bull
* Src (gene), a family of proto-oncogenic tyrosine kinases
* SRC Thor, a rugby club in Delft, The Netherlands

ee also

* src

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  • Src — (киназа) Обозначения Symbol(s) SRC SRC1; ASV; SRC1; c SRC; p60 Src …   Википедия

  • Src — may refer to:* Src (gene), a family of proto oncogenic tyrosine kinases * a common abbreviation for source codeSee also SRC …   Wikipedia

  • Src — Pour les articles homonymes, voir SRC. Protéine SRC codée par un gène src Src (prononcé «sarc», du mot sarcome) désigne une famille de gènes, que l o …   Wikipédia en Français

  • SRC — Die Abkürzung SRC steht für: SRC Beschränkt gültiges Funkbetriebszeugnis Société Radio Canada, der französische Name der öffentlichen Rundfunkanstalt Kanadas Stevenson, Romagosa y Compañía, ehemaliger spanischer Automobilhersteller die britische… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • SRC — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.   Sigles d’une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres   Sigles de quatre lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • SRC — sedimented red cells; sheep red cells; signed reaction center; steroid receptor * * * (sahrk) a human proto oncogene homologous to the v src oncogene first identified as the transforming determinant in Rous sarcoma virus; it encodes Src tyrosine… …   Medical dictionary

  • src — Rous sarcoma oncogene * * * (sahrk) a human proto oncogene homologous to the v src oncogene first identified as the transforming determinant in Rous sarcoma virus; it encodes Src tyrosine kinase and mutations have been associated with various… …   Medical dictionary

  • SRC — abbr. (in the UK) Science Research Council. * * * abbrev Student Representative Council * * * SRC (no periods), Science Research Council (of Great Britain) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Src (gene) — Src is a family of proto oncogenic tyrosine kinases originally discovered by J. Michael Bishop and Harold E. Varmus, for which they won the Nobel Prize. [ [ prizes/medicine/laureates/1989/press.html Nobel Prize in… …   Wikipedia

  • Src-семейство киназ — (англ. Src family kinases, SFK) включает в себя нерецепторные протеинкиназы млекопитающих, схожие по структуре с Src. У позвоночных известно девять киназ Src семейства: Src, Yes, Fgr, Fyn, Lyn, Hck, Lck, Blk, Frk. Содержание 1 История 2… …   Википедия

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