List of characters in Fire Emblem (video game)

List of characters in Fire Emblem (video game)

This is a character guide for the Game Boy Advance game "Fire Emblem". Each character has his or her class labeled. A class is a category within the "Fire Emblem" series that outlines a unit's characteristics. Along with the character's class is their "promotion class" — the class that the character will upgrade to upon promotion. If a character has no promotion class, it means that they were already promoted when recruited into the party. Also mentioned for some characters are "supports." Supports are side conversations between characters which can result in statistical bonuses and character development (see here for more information about supports). is an elderly woman that makes a living as a fortune-teller. She volunteers her services to Eliwood after approaching him on a battlefield and makes use of her skills in exchange for gold. She provides hints to the player before each battle, suggesting characters to bring along in order to recruit new characters and what types of weapons and units would be most efficient in the chapter's battle.

Worn out by the stress of the harsh traveling and the many battles, Hannah eventually leaves Eliwood's service, but not before allowing Nils to take her place as fortune-teller. She does not make an appearance in the hard modes of the game.


*Class: ThiefAn Ostian spy met on Eliwood's quest after the main lords retake Caelin from Laus's rule. At that time she was posing as a member of the Black Fang in order to find out for Lord Elbert as much as possible under Uther's orders. She is ordered by Ephidel to finish off Lord Hausen, but instead helped heal him of his injuries he received from Ephidel. She and Matthew are involved romantically. If Matthew dies, his final word is "Leila". When Eliwood and his party arrive on the island she overhears Nergal, Darin, and Elbert and learns Nergal's intentions of the dragons. She goes to tell them, but before she can Ephidel finds out what she is going to do. Ephidel orders Jaffar to kill her, and after her death, they leave her corpse in the forest as a warning to Eliwood and the rest of the company. On the map, she appears as an assassin, but in battle her stance and attack are those of a thief.


Bramimond was one of the eight heroes that fought in the Scouring. "It" is only seen a few times during the game, and not much is known about it. It is probable that it is (or was) a powerful warrior. Its legendary weapon Apocalypse, available in the sequel, suggests that Bramimond is a Dark magic user, and Chapter 19x pt.2 mentions that Bramimond sacrificed itself to gain the ultimate Dark magic abilities. As such, Bramimond is described as a "mirror", reflecting the emotions and personality of anyone it interacts with (when Hector insults it, it insults Hector back; when Lyn speaks to it, it voice sounds more like a female's.)

Bramimond apparently has the ability to bring the fallen back to life, as shown when Bramimond resurrects Ninian to seal away the dragons. Athos foresees the death of Bramimond as he is dying. Bramimond died some time between the events of Fire Emblem and Fuuin no Tsurugi.

The Eight Legends

The Eight Legends were eight great fighters who led humans in The Scouring. Each one (except Bramimond) founded a different nation, and each bore a legendary weapon:
* Roland, the Champion, founded Lycia. His weapon was Durandal, the blazing sword.
* The Hero, Hartmut founded Bern and was its first KIng. He wielded two weapons: the legendary sword Exxacus, usable only by the King of Bern and is used by Zephiel in the prequel, and the Sword of Seals, which only Roy can use and does not appear in this game.
* Etruria was founded by the female cleric St. Elimine, who wielded the light tome Aureola.
* Sacae was founded by Hanon the Horseman. He wielded the wind bow Miulgre, which does not appear in this game.
* Ilia was founded by the Divine Knight Barigan. His weapon, Malte, is a lance, but does not appear in this game.
* The Western Isles were settled by Durban the Berserker. The thunder axe Armads is his legendary weapon.
* The Archsage Athos settled in the southwestern desert peninsula of Nabata. He is a playable character, and he wields Forblaze, an anima tome.
* Bramimond, the Enigma, presumably did not start his own nation. His weapon, the dark tome Apocalypse, does not appear in this game.

Of the eight, only Athos and Bramimond still live, although Roland and Durban make appearances as spirits in Eliwood and Hector's stories respectively.



*Class: Generalnihongo|Lundgren|ラングレン|Ranguren is the brother of Lord Hausen, the Marquess of Caelin, and the main antagonist during the prologue. Lundgren strongly desires to replace his brother as Marquess. To do this, he slowly poisons the current Marquess, as he is the only known heir to the throne. His plan is almost complete, until Lyn (also an heir, with higher precedence than Lundgren being Hausen's granddaughter) and her followers come to stop Lundgren and his devious plot.


*Class: Generalnihongo|Darin|ダーレン|Dāren is a foolish and spiteful man. The Marquess of Laus, he is lured in by promises made by Ephidel that he would become the ruler of the world with the Black Fang's help (if he led a rebellion in Lycia). He and his army are responsible for many of the events in the early game. He is the father of Erik and is obsessed with Priscilla. He is a morph in the final chapter. He bears the lance Rex Hasta


*Class: Cavaliernihongo|Erik|エリック|Erikku is the son of Lord Darin. Erik is in charge of the Laus army when Darin goes to Caelin, and still holds a grudge against Eliwood and Hector from their school days, in which Eliwood and Hector excelled whilst Erik did not. It is from him that Eliwood and Hector learn some dark secrets about Darin's plot, a mysterious hooded man, and Lord Elbert's connection with the Lycia rebellion. Twenty years later, during the events of "Fuuin no Tsurugi", he once again turns traitor.

Corrupted Black Fang


*Class: Dark Druidnihongo|Nergal|ネルガル|Nerugaru, the main villain, is the only character whose class is Dark Druid (an evil mage who can use any magic power, be it light, dark, anima or staff). He is described as "an avaricious fiend who turns death into power." Nergal is hundreds of years old, being present during the events of The Scouring, where he is shown in a flashback scene hiding the siblings Ninian and Nils near the Dragon's Gate on the island of Valor while he searched for his wife (depicted as a dragon in an unlockable CG sequence); it is later revealed that Ninian and Nils ended up on the other side of the Dragon's Gate by following his instructions. Along with his assistant Renault, he is the creator of the morphs. Morphs normally lack normal human emotions and are identifiable by their common physical traits, which include jet-black hair, blood-red lips, and golden eyes (Limstella, Sonia, and Ephidel are examples of these morphs). His signature tome is Ereshkigal.

In flashback scenes viewed in an unlockable side quest, Nergal's character sprite during The Scouring is that of a shaman (an unpromoted Dark Magic user in the game's character classes). Several hundred years before the events of "Fire Emblem", Nergal was a close friend of Athos, with whom he journeyed to the hidden city of Arcadia in the Nabata wastelands. It was here that Nergal learned the art of creating morphs from the dragons residing there; thereafter, the inhabitants of Arcadia, together with Athos, fought against Nergal to prevent him from continuing his experiments. The ensuing confrontation left him with severe facial disfigurement and strengthened his beliefs that friendship was a weakness to be overcome and that humans need power in order to achieve perfection.

To this end, Nergal took control of a group of assassins in Bern known as the Black Fang, and tried to start a civil war in Lycia. Nergal's ultimate goal was to stir war and conflict, allowing him to harvest enough quintessence to call forth dragons from the Dragon's Gate.

Nergal, calling out to those on the other side, brought Ninian and Nils into the human world and imprisoned them in order to open the Dragon's Gate. The two siblings took human form in order to survive and escaped from Nergal, but are eventually recaptured during the game. Nergal then forces Ninian to reopen the gate and summon a fire dragon, but Nils appears and snaps Ninian out of her trance, and the dragon crumbles. After Ninian is killed by Eliwood's Durandal, Nergal uses her quintessence to open the Dragon's Gate. Nergal is eventually defeated, but before he dies, he uses his own quintessence to call three fire dragons through the Dragon's Gate.

If the player unlocks three bonus chapters in Hector's story, it is revealed that Nergal is the father of Ninian and Nils.


*Class: Magic SealKishuna is one of the numerous morphs Nergal created. He wears a red robe and his face is barely visible. He appears three times in Hector's story and twice in Eliwood's, but only in extra chapters. Unlike the other morphs, Kishuna is incapable of speech or attacks. He can nullify the use of magic within a certain radius. He is also rumoured to have once been the best friend to the mysterious bishop Renault prior to his death as a pure human, but is not. Kishuna is killed during his third encounter in Hector's story. Although it seems that he was the first morph ever created, he is not; he was the first morph to have emotions. What can be seen of his face appears to be covered in tattoos or scars.


*Class: Sagenihongo|Ephidel|エフィデル|Efideru is a morph commanded by Nergal to do his deeds. Ephidel was key in starting the rebellion in Lycia. Ephidel went to Nergal's side to help, but ended up being incinerated in the Dragon's Gate during the failed release with the dragon summoning.


*Class: Sagenihongo|Limstella|リムステラ|Rimusutera is a morph of Nergal, unemotional and loyal. Limstella's main job is to collect the quintessence of people for Nergal by murdering many of the important characters of the game — even Black Fang members. Completely devoted to its master, Limstella will sacrifice everything for Nergal, even its life. Limstella's body actually becomes corrupted by its own power, which it only withstands through sheer willpower fueled by its desire to be useful to Lord Nergal. Like all of Nergal's morphs, Limstella has golden eyes and pale skin. However, despite its feminine appearance, name, and the fact that most other storyline-important morphs have genders, Limstella is, in fact, genderless. When it is defeated, it states that morphs do not truly feel emotions, but simulate them.


*Class: Sagenihongo|Sonia|ソーニャ|Sōnya is a female sage in service of Nergal. Sonia has taken control of the Black Fang on Nergal's behalf by marrying Brendan Reed and reducing him to her puppet. Therefore, Brendan's sons thoroughly loathe her, but are forced to obey the orders she gives through Brendan. Sonia tells the Four Fangs to kill Eliwood, while she corrupts King Desmond of Bern. Sonia cares little for her 'daughter', Nino. Sonia honestly believes that she is a real human being chosen by Nergal; however, her appearance and the actions of Limstella suggest that she is actually a morph. She ends up dying completely alone, still claiming that she is a human and not a "puppet", as she calls the morphs. She appears as a boss in an unlockable side quest. If the player does not activate this side quest, Nergal himself will kill her.

Black Fang

Brendan Reed

*Class: Warriornihongo|Brendan Reed|ブレンダン・リーダス|Burendan Rīdasu is the leader of the Black Fang, and the father of Lloyd and Linus Reed as well as Nino's stepfather. Brendan is a man of honor, but he is quite blind to the corruption in the Black Fang that Sonia, his wife, is bringing about. When he does see it, Sonia ruthlessly kills him.

During the last chapter, he is an enemy in the form of a morph. In this chapter, he wields the Basilikos, an axe whose power rivals that of Armads (although without its ability to damage dragons).

Lloyd Reed

*Class: Swordmasternihongo|Lloyd Reed|ロイド・リーダス|Roido Rīdasu is nicknamed the "White Wolf"; he is the older of Brendan's two sons and a competent swordsman. He has a strong sense of justice, and resents, or even hates, Sonia. Despite his hatred for Sonia, he thinks Nino is a likeable girl, unlike her mother. Depending on the level of your lords, you will either fight him early in Chapter 23 (Eliwood's story) /Chapter 25 (Hector's story) in Four-Fanged Offense, or in Chapter 27 (Eliwood's Story) /Chapter 29 (Hector's story) in Cog of Destiny. Lloyd, unlike his younger brother, is calm and composed, willing to take any order that his father gives. In his own words, "The brothers Reed dispense the Fang's justice."

If fought in the Cog of Destiny chapter, it is revealed that his only real aim is to join Linus in death. In a battle conversation with Legault, Lloyd will reveal that, although he seems to understand Legault's claim that they were not responsible for Linus's death, it doesn't matter any more: Lloyd still believes they are responsible, almost as a plea to his old friend to kill him. Nino can speak to Lloyd outside of battle, but this will not deter his path either. In death, he appears to get what he desires. His final words are "No more waiting, Linus... I'm coming..."

He appears in the final chapter as a morph along with Linus. He wields the Regal Blade

Linus Reed

*Class: Heronihongo|Linus Reed|ライナス・リーダス|Rainasu Rīdasu, the younger of the Reed brothers, has been referred to as the "Rabid Hound" and the "Mad Dog", and is a powerful Hero in his own right. Like Lloyd, the level of the player's lords determines when he is fought in the game. Linus is a temperamental man, the exact opposite of his brother, but is also willing to follow any orders given by his father. In addition to greatly admiring his older brother and being very close with him, he also seems to harbour compassion for Nino, despite her being Sonia's daughter. He also appears to be an old friend of Legault.

If you fight him in the Cog of Destiny chapter, Linus is filled with rage; he cares only about avenging Lloyd's death, and refuses to listen to anyone fighting him, including Nino and Legault. If fought with Jaffar, Linus is further shocked by his appearance due to Jaffar's notorious assassinations with the Black Fangs prior to joining Eliwood's army. Though he was not necessarily fighting in order to achieve death, he comes to accept his fate when struck down, as he can finally be reunited with Lloyd. He appears as a morph in the final chapter and, like Lloyd, prompts battle conversations with Nino and Legault.


*Class: Nomad Troopernihongo|Uhai|ウハイ|Uhai is a Sacaen nomad who has been with the Black Fang since their earliest days. He is known as the "Soaring Hawk", and uses bows and blades in combat.

Uhai himself is an honorable combatant, refusing to take hostages in battle (in fact, he kidnaps Lyn and later releases her to mark his own words and beliefs). He follows Nergal simply because he realizes resistance is futile, but before his death decides that Eliwood and company may have a chance, and aids them by giving them hints about the Dragon's Gate.

Uhai is good friends with Lloyd and Linus, and despite being an enemy, Lyn admires him as well.

Uhai is in the final chapter as a morph. His weapon is Rienfleche


*Class: Assassinnihongo|Jerme|ジュルメ|Jurume is a former member of the Four Fangs. The "Death Kite" of the Fangs, Jerme was the top assassin until Jaffar, another Black Fang assassin, came along, taking his place amongst the Four Fangs. Jerme is psychotic, and loves to kill and slice his enemies to pieces. He is extremely ruthless and loyal to Nergal for no reason other than the opportunity to commit murder. He also harbors a deep resentment and jealousy towards Jaffar.

Jerme is also a morph in the final chapter. His weapon is the Rune Sword


*Class: Bishopnihongo|Kenneth|ケネス|Kenesu is the "Shrike" of the Black Fang and a renegade bishop who guards their mountain stronghold. Kenneth has abandoned his faith, believing gods are all lies, bar his lord Nergal, the closest thing to omnipotence in existence. As twisted as his religious faith is, he is able to wield holy magic. Kenneth is devoted to Nergal, and by extension, Sonia. He loves the suffering of men.

Kenneth is a morph in the final chapter.His weapon is Luce.


*Class: Valkyrienihongo|Ursula|ウルスラ|Urusura is the "Blue Crow" of the Four Fangs. She is rather cold-blooded, calm and extremely sharp. Ursula is Sonia's trusted vassal, to whom she's extremely devoted, and proves a formidable foe. Ursula is also very jealous of Vaida, whom she sees as a power-hungry newcomer who may separate her from her lady Sonia's service, and is even willing to help the enemy (by giving the party the Hammerne staff) if it'll allow her to keep her place as Sonia's right-hand.

If she isn't killed during the fight in the Bern manse, Limstella will face her. Ursula is ready to die but asks for permission to give Sonia her report before being punished; Limstella says it's not necessary and kills her anyway by absorbing the quintessence she has left.

Ursula is a morph alongside Jerme in the final chapter. Her weapon is Excalibur


*Class: Paladinnihongo|Pascal Grentzer|パスカル|Pasukaru is known as the "Crazed Beast", Pascal was once the count of Bern's Landskron, but fell from his position after he invited a number of innocent people to a castle and murdered them all. To escape punishment, he joined the Black Fang shortly after it was founded and became one of the Four Fangs; his cruelty towards innocents and bloodlust result in the Black Fang eventually locking him up. Sadistic, uncaring of other human lives, and ambitious, Pascal would like nothing more than to get back his former rank and willingly agrees to Sonia's false promise of restoring his rank if he can defeat Eliwood and Hector. Pascal appears only in Hector's story as the boss of chapter 25.


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