- Traditions of Catalonia
Catalonia 's festivals and traditions unify Catalan society and help to give it its particular character. Amongst the most striking of these festive events are the "correfocs ", in which "devil s" play withfire and with the people. These devils are not the incarnation of evil; they are sprightly and festive, dancing to the sound of drums and the traditionalgralla , while they set off theirfireworks .Another tradition occurs during the spring festival day of "Sant Jordi" (
St George's Day ,23 April , also known asBook Day , coinciding with the anniversaries of the deaths ofWilliam Shakespeare ,Miguel de Cervantes andJosep Pla ). Men give roses to women, and women give a book to men as a present. The streets are full of people, book and flower stands.Perhaps the most spectacular of the Catalan festivals are those of the "colles castelleres", groups of enthusiasts who form impressive human towers (up to ten people high). This is an old tradition of the
Tarragona region, which has now spread to many parts of Catalonia, and has become a real spectacle, or sport, that attracts thousands of people. Amongst other important festivities are thecarnivals over all the region,especially inSitges ,Solsona ,Tarragona andVilanova i la Geltrú , and the Patum inBerga .Then, there is the very special music of the
cobles , the wind bands that play "sardanes". Thesardana is a circular, open dance, that originated in theEmpordà region (north of the country by theMediterranean sea) and thePyrenees (Catalan "Pirineus"), and is now danced in many squares and streets.As in other countries, there is a
Christmas tradition similar to that ofSanta Claus . In Catalonia it is enacted in the very popular figure of theTió de Nadal .The Catalan "Diada" or
National Day of Catalonia is onSeptember 11 , after the defeat and surrender ofBarcelona to the French-Castilian army ofPhilip V of Spain and his supporters during theWar of Spanish Succession . SimilarlyNovember 7 is also remembered in Northern Catalonia after theTreaty of the Pyrenees .The
anthem of Catalonia isEls Segadors (The Reapers).Popular folk songs include "El Rossinyol", "La Balanguera" and "El Cant dels Ocells", which became something of an unofficial national anthem under the years of Franco's oppression. Such songs became popular all over the world with the success of theOrfeó Català choir around the beginning of the 20th century. Another song, created by the presentsinger Lluís Llach , "L'Estaca ", also gained this national feeling.In Catalonia,
sport often has a strong national and political connotation. TheBarça football team and the USAP Perpignan rugby team are often considered, especially by some Catalan nationalists, to act as unofficialnational team s of Catalonia.
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