9K22 Tunguska

9K22 Tunguska

Infobox Weapon
name=9K22 Tunguska
NATO reporting name: SA-19 Grison

caption=9K22 "Tunguska-M" Gun/Missile Air Defence System.
origin=flagcountry|Soviet Union
type=Tracked SAM system
service= 1982-present
used_by=Belarus, India, Morocco, Russia, former Soviet Union, Ukraine
wars=2008 South Ossetia war
designer=KBP Instrument Design Bureau
manufacturer=KBP Instrument Design Bureau
unit_cost=~25M US$Fact|date=August 2008
production_date= 1976-present
variants=2K22 (Tunguska), 2K22M (Tunguska-M), 2K22M1 (Tunguska-M1)
spec_label= Tunguska-M1
weight=34,000 kg
length=7.93 m
width=3.24 m
height=4.01 m or 3.36 m (radar stowed)
crew= 4
primary_armament=8 9M311 (or 3M87), 9M311K, 9M311-1, 9M113-M1 or 57E6 missiles
secondary_armament= 2 30 mm 2A38M (1,904 rounds carried)
engine= V-46-4 turbocharged V-12 watercooled 4 cycle diesel
engine_power= 780 hp
clearance= 450 mm
vehicle_range=500 km
speed=65 km/h
The 2K22 Tunguska ( _ru. 2К22 "Тунгуска"; _en. Tunguska) is a Russian tracked self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon armed with a surface-to-air gun and missile system. It is designed to provide day and night protection for infantry and tank regiments against low-flying aircraft helicopters and cruise missile in all weather conditions. Its NATO reporting name is SA-19 "Grison".


Development of the system started on June 8 1970, at the request of the Soviet Ministry of Defence the "KBP Instrument Design Bureau" in Tula under the guidance of the appointed Chief Designer AG Shipunov started work on a 30 mm anti-aircraft system as a replacement for the 23 mm ZSU-23-4.

The project which was given the designation "Tunguska" was a response to the observed shortcoming of the ZSU-23-4 (short range and no early warning) and a counter to new ground attack aircraft in development such as the A-10 Thunderbolt II which was designed to have high resistance to 23 mm cannoncite web |url=http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/aircraft/a-10.htm |title=A-10/OA-10 Thunderbolt II |accessdate=2008-08-09 |work=GlobalSecurity.org |date=12-11-2006] . Studies were conducted that demonstrated that a 30 mm cannon would require 2-3 times fewer shells to destroy a given target than the 23 mm cannon of the ZSU-23-4, and that firing at a MiG-17 flying at 300 m/s, with an identical mass of 30 mm projectiles would result in a kill probability of 1.5 times greater than with 23 mm projectiles. An increase in the maximum engagement altitude from 2,000 to 4,000 m and increased effectiveness when engaging lightly armoured ground targets were also citedcite web |url=http://pvo.guns.ru/tunguska/tunguska.htm |title=ЗЕНИТНЫЙ РАКЕТНО-ПУШЕЧНЫЙ КОМПЛЕКС2К22 "ТУНГУСКА" (SA-19 Grison) |accessdate=2008-08-09 |work=Вестника ПВО (Russian) |date=3-10-2000 ] .

The initial requirements set for the system were to achieve twice the performance in terms of range, altitude and combat effectiveness than the ZSU-23-4, additionally the system should have a reaction time no greater than 10 seconds. Due to the similarities in fire control of artillery and missiles it was decided that Tunguska would be a combined gun and missile system. By combining guns and missiles, the system is more effective than the ZSU-23-4, engaging targets at long-range with missiles, and shorter range targets with guns.

In addition to KBP as the primary contractor other members of the Soviet military industrial complex were involved in the project, the chassis were developed at the Minsk tractor factory, the radio equipment at the "Ulyanovsk Mechanical Factory" Ulyanovsk, guidance and navigational systems by VNII "Signal" and optics were developed by the Leningrad Optical Mechanical Amalgamation LOMOcite web |url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/tunguska.htm |title=Tunguska |accessdate=2008-09-04 |work=Encyclopedia Astronautica |date=2007-11-18 ] .

However development was slowed between 1975 and 1977 after the introduction of the 9K33 Osa missile system, which seemed to fill the same requirement but with greater missile performance. After some considerable debate it was felt that a purely missile based system would not be as effective at dealing with very low flying attack helicopters attacking at short range with no warning as had been proven so successful in the 1973 Arab-Isreali War. Since the reaction time of a gun system is around 8-10 seconds, compared to the reaction time of missile-based system, approximately 30 seconds, development was restarted.

The initial designs were completed in 1973 with pilot production completed in 1976 at the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Factory. System testing and trials were conducted between September 1980 and December 1981 on the Donguzskom range. It was officially accepted into service on 8 September 1982 and the initial version designated 2K22/2S6, with four missiles in the ready to fire position (two on each side). Tunguska entered into limited service from 1984 when the first batteries were delivered to the army.

After a limited production run of the original 9K22, an improved version designated 2K22M/2S6M entered service in 1990. The 2K22M featured several improvements with eight ready to fire missiles (four on each side) as well as modifications to the fire control programs, missiles and the general reliability of the system.

Tunguska underwent further improvement when in 2003 the Russian armed forces accepted the Tunguska-M1 or 2K22M1 into service. The M1 introduced the new 9M311-M1 missile which made a number of changes allowing the 2K22M1 to engage small targets like cruise missiles by replacing the 8 beam laser proximity fuze with a radio fuse. Additional modification afforded greater resistance to IR countermeasures by supplementing the missile tracking flare with a pulsed IR beacon. Other improvements included an increased missile range to 10 km, improved optical tracking and accuracy, improved fire control co-ordination between components of a battery and the command post. Overall the Tunguska-M1 has a combat efficiency 1.3 - 1.5 times greater than the Tunguska-Mcite web |url=http://warfare.ru/?lang=&catid=264&linkid=1693 |title=SA-19 Grison / Tunguska |accessdate=2008-08-09 |work=Warfare.ru |date= ] .

The Tunguska family was until recently a unique and highly competitive weapons system, though in 2007 the Pantsir gun and missile system entered production at KBPcite web |url=http://www.russiatoday.com/scitech/news/17783 |title=Russian Pantsir-S1 – best air defence money can buy |accessdate=2008-08-09 |work=Russia Today |publisher=TV-Novosti |date=2007-11-30 ] , a descendant of the Tunguska the Pantsir system offers even greater performance than its predecessor.


The system is referred to as 2K22 under the GRAU indexcite web |url=http://www.vko.ru/DesktopModules/Articles/ArticlesView.aspx?tabID=320&ItemID=205&mid=2891&wversion=Staging |title=ЗПРК "Тунгуска-М1" ведет бой по своим правилам |accessdate=2008-09-04 |work=ВОЕННО-ПРОМЫШЛЕННЫЙ КУРЬЕР (Russian) |publisher=ВПК-Медиа |year=2008 ] , though the army designation 9K22 is a valid alternativecite web |url=http://jlad.janes.com/public/jlad/index.shtml |title=Tula KBP 9M311 Tunguska (NATO SA-19 'Grison') low- to medium-altitude surface-to-air missile system (Russian Federation) |accessdate=2008-08-09 |work=Janes Land-Based Air Defence |publisher=Jane's Information Group |date=2008-03-20 ] . A complete system or battery consists of six 2S6 combat vehicles armed with the 9M311 "Treugol'nik" (triangle) surface-to-air missile and two 2A38 30 mm cannon. These are accompanied by up to three 2F77 transloader trucks. The 9K22 is also associated with a variety of support facilities including the 2F55-1, 1R10-1 and 2V110-1 repair and maintenance vehicles, the MTO-AGZ workshop and the 9V921 test vehiclecite book |title=Russia's Arms 2001-2002 |publisher=Military Parade Ltd.|year=2001 |location=Moscow |url=http://www.milparade.ru/en/] . These facilities provide maintenance for the 9K22 battery in the field as well as scheduled overhauls.

The 2S6 combat vehicle uses the GM-352 and later GM-352M chassis developed and produced by the Minsk Tractor Plant (MTZ) which has six road wheels with hydropneumatic suspension on each side, a drive sprocket at the rear and three return rollers. The chassis are capable of fording to a depth of 0.8 meters, climbing gradients of up to 60% and side slopes of 30%. The GM-352 can cross a one meter vertical obstacle and a two meter trench. An NBC system is also integrated into the chassis, an automatic gear change and diagnostic capability are available with latest Tunguska-M1 which uses the new GM-5975 chassis developed and produced by MMZ cite web |url=http://www.metrowagonmash.ru/english/gm5975t.htm |title=GM-5975 Specifications |accessdate=2008-08-09 |work=METROWAGONMASH |date=2006-08-11 ] . Overall the layout is similar to the previous ZSU-23-4 with a large central turret (designated the 2A40) containing the armament, sensors and three of the crew: the commander, gunner and radar operator. The driver sits in the front left of the hull, with a gas turbine APU to his right and the engine in the rear of the hull.

A parabolic E-band search radar is mounted on the rear top of the turret that when combined with the turret front mounted J-band monopulse tracking radar forms the 1RL144 (NATO:Hot Shot) radar system. The mechanically scanned search radar for the Tunguska-M1 offers a 360 degree field of view, a detection range of around 18 km and can detect targets flying as low as 15 m, the search radar can be stowed when in transit. A C/D-band IFF system is also fitted and designated 1RL138cite web |url=http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/hot-shot.htm |title=HOT SHOT radar system |accessdate=2008-08-09 |work=GlobalSecurity.org |date=] . The system is able to fire on the move using 30 mm cannons, although it must be stationary to fire missiles, the maximum target speed can be up to 500 m/scite web |url=http://www.new-factoria.ru/missile/wobb/tunguska/tunguska.shtml |title=Зенитный ракетно-пушечный комплекс 2К22 "ТУНГУСКА" |accessdate=2008-08-09 |work=New-Factoria.ru (Russian) |publisher=Балтийского Государственного Технического Университета "ВОЕНМЕХ" |year=2000 ] .

A battery of six Tunguska can automatically receive fire control information over a radio link, this allows targets to be distributed between individual units from a Ranzhir or PPRU battery command post, which can receive target information from either AWACS or early warning radar or in the case of the PPRU its own radar equipment.


* 2K22 - Original system, with 9M311 (3M87), 9M311K or 9M311-1 missiles. Some of these early versions of the "Tunguska" system were known as "Treugol'nik" (Russian Треугольник - "triangle"). This system is mounted on the 2S6 integrated air defence vehicle.
* 2K22M (1986) - Main production system, with 9M311M (3M88) missiles. This integrated air defence vehicle 2S6M is based on the GM-352M chassis.
* 2K22M1 (1988) - Improved version with the 2S6M1 combat vehicle on a GM-5975 chassis, using the 9M311-M1 missile (range: 10 km) and with an improved fire control system. Passed state trials in April 2003 and entered service with the Russian armed forces a year later.
* 2K22M with 57E6 - Complete upgrade of system with new 57E6Fact|date=August 2008 missile and new radar system, with detection range of 38 km and a tracking range of 30 km. Missile range is increased to 18 km.


The dual 2A38 twin 30 mm cannons and the later 2A38M were designed by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau and manufactured by the Tulamashzavod Joint Stock Company. The cannons are fired alternatively with a combined rate of fire of between 3,900 and 5,000 rounds per minute (1,950 to 2,500 rpm for each gun), and have a muzzle velocity of 960 m/scite web |url=http://www.kbptula.ru/eng/str/cannons/2a38m.htm |title=30 mm 2A38M Automatic Anti-Aircraft Gun |accessdate=2008-08-09 |work=KBP Instrument Design Bureau ] . Bursts of between 83 and 250 rounds are fired as determined by the target type, with an engagement range between 0.2 and 4.0 km and to an altitude of 4 km. HE-T and HE-I shells are used and fitted with a A-670 time and impact fuze which includes an arming delay and self destruct mechanism. The cannons can be elevated and depressed to +87 to -10 degrees and as such can be used to engage ground as well as aerial targets. The 2K22 can fire its cannons in two primary modes of operation, radar and optical, in radar mode the target tracking is fully automatic, with the guns aimed using data from the radar. In optical mode the gunner tracks the target through the 1A29 stabilized sight, with the radar providing range data. The 9K22 is reported to have a kill probability of 0.8 with cannon.


Infobox Weapon
name= 9M311

origin= flagcountry|Soviet Union
type= Surface-to-air missile
service= 1982-present
used_by=Belarus, India, Morocco, Russia, former Soviet Union, Ukraine
designer=KBP Instrument Design Bureau
manufacturer=KBP Instrument Design Bureau
production_date= 1976-present
variants= 9M311, 9M311K, 9M311-1, 9M311M, 9M311-M1, 57E6
spec_label= 9M311
weight= 57 kg
length= 2560 mm
filling= Continuous-rod and steel cubes
filling_weight= 9 kg
detonation= Laser fuze (Radio fuze 9M311-M1)
propellant= Solid-fuel rocket
vehicle_range= convert|8|km|mi (convert|10|km|mi 9M311-M1)
altitude= convert|3500|m|ft
boost= 2 stages: boost to 900m/s, then sustained 600m/s stage to range
speed= 900 m/s
guidance= Radio Command SACLOS
steering= rocket motor with four steerable control surfaces
accuracy= 5 m
launch_platform= 2S6 combat vehicle
transport= 2F77 transloader
The system uses the same 9M311 (NATO: SA-19/SA-N-11) missile family as the naval CIWS Kashtan which can engage targets at a range of 2.4 to 8 km and to an altitude of 3.5 km, the Tunguska-M1 uses the improved 9M311-M1 missile with an increased range of 10 km. The missile has two stages, a large booster stage with four folding fins, which boosts the missile to a velocity of 900 m/s, before falling awaycite web |url=http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Rus-PLA-PD-SAM.html#Grison |title=Russian/PLA Point Defense |accessdate=2008-07-21 |publisher=Air Power Australia |author=Peter Goon] . The second stage has four fixed fins, and four steerable control surfaces. The complete missile is around 2.56 meters long with a weight of 57 kg.

Guidance is performed by the gunner who uses the 8 x magnification (8 degree field of view) 1A29 stabilized sight of the Tunguska to track the target and the missile (using a flare or pulsed beacon) is automatically tracked by the optics. The deviation of the missiles compared with the tracked target is used to calculate guidance commands, the tracking radar being used to send radio commands to the missile, making Tunguska a semi-automatic, radio command, with optical line of sight (SCALOS) system. The gunner is initially cued towards the target by the systems search radar. Once the missile is steered to within 5 m of the target, an active laser or radio fuse (9M311-M1) is triggered. The warhead weighs about 9 kg, and is a continuous-rod system, consisting of 600 mm long 6 to 9 mm diameter rods with a flower-like cross section. The cross section ensures the rods break into fragments weighing 2-3 grams. The rods form a complete ring about 5 m from the missile. Outside the rods is a fragmentation layer of steel cubes weighing 2-3 grams. The 9K22 is reported to have a kill probability of 0.6 with missiles (9M311).

Missile variants

* 9M311 Original missile, laser proximity fuze.
** 9M311K (3M87) naval version of the 9M311 used by the "Kashtan" system.
* 9M311-1 export version of the missile.
* 9M311M (3M88) Improved version of the missile
* 9M311-1M Used with the "Tunguska-M1" radar proximity fuse for improved capability against cruise missiles. Pulsed tracking light instead of constant flare for better ECCM. Range improved to 10 km.

Operators and combat history

Variants of the 9K22 system have continued to serve in the Soviet and later Russian armed forces since their initial introduction in 1984. The 9K22 has also managed to achieve a degree of export success being inducted into the armed forces of a number of foreign states, most notably India. The 9K22 has been used in the 2008 South Ossetia war by Russian armed forces.

*Fact|date=May 2008
* - 66 - 92 2K22M/M1 ordered in 1996 (24-50 2K22M), 2001 (14 2K22M) and 2005 (28 2K22M1)cite web |url=http://www.defenceindia.com/19-dec-2k5/news10.html |title=Russia to supply Tunguska-M1 missile systems |accessdate=2008-09-04 |work=DefenceIndia |publisher= |date=2005-12-20 ] cite web |url=http://www.sipri.org |title=SIPRI data on arms transfers |accessdate=2008-08-09 |work=sipri.org |publisher=Stockholm International Peace Research Institute |year=2007 ]
* - Unknown number
* - 12 2K22M1 ordered in 2005
* Burma - Unconfirmedcite web |url=http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Rus-PLA-PD-SAM.html#Grison |title=Russian/PLA Point Defense |accessdate=2008-07-21 |publisher=Air Power Australia |author=Peter Goon]
* - 256 2K22M/M1
* - Unknown number [cite web |url=http://www.mil.gov.ua/index.php?lang=en&part=armament&sub=sv_ppo |title=Armament of Ukrainian Armed Forces |accessdate=2008-05-04 |work=Ministry of Defence of Ukraine] [cite web |url= http://www.army-technology.com/projects/tunguska/ |title=Tunguska M1 Low Level Air Defense System, Russia |accessdate=2008-05-04 |work= army-technology.com]

Comparable systems

*Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard
*Type 95 SPAAA
*M6 Linebacker
*Type 87 Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun

External links

* [http://www.kbptula.ru/eng/zencom/tung.htm Tunguska-M1 Air Defense Missile/Gun System] , KBP Instrument Design Bureau website
* [http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/missile/row/sa-19.htm Federation of American Scientists]
* [http://warfare.ru/?lang=&catid=264&linkid=1693 Warfare.ru SA-19]
* [http://www.army-technology.com/projects/tunguska/ Army technology.com Tunguska]
* [http://fmso.leavenworth.army.mil/Red-Star/issues/APR95/APR95.HTML#THREAT Threat Update: 2S6 Tunguska Self-Propelled Air Defense System, Red Star Thrust April 1995 issue]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3JY-9nLay0 Youtube Tunguska-M1 Video]


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