- Repetition code
Repetition code is an r,1) coding scheme that repeats the bits across a channel to achieve error free communication (r is the number of bits in each codeword for each data bit to be coded). Repetition code is generally a very naive method of encoding data across a channel, and it is not preferredfor "Additive White Gaussian Noise Channels" (
AWGN ), due to its worse-than-the-present error performance. Repetition codes generally offer a poor compromise between data rate and bit error rate, and other forms oferror correcting codes can provide superior performance in these areas. The chief attraction of the repetition code is the ease of implementation.There are two parts to the repetition code, as for any other code: the encoder and decoder, whichwill be described in detail.
Repetition Coder
The encoder is a simple device that repeats, r times, a particular bit to thewaveform modulator when the bit is received from the source stream.
For example, if we have a 3,1) repetition code, then encoding the signalm=1 0 1 0 0 1 yields a code c=111 000 111 000 000 111.
Repetition Decoder
Repetition decoding is usually done using Majority logic detection. To determine the value of a particular bit, we look at the received copies of the bit in the stream and choose the value that occurs more frequently.
For example, suppose we have a 3,1) repetition code and we are decoding the signalc= 110 001 111. The decoded message is m=1 0 1, as we have most occurrenceof 1's (two to one), 0's (two to one), and 1's (three to zero) in the first, second, and third code sequences, respectively.
This approach discards any 'soft' probability information obtained when decoding each received bit, and the performance of the code can be improved by retaining this probability information and using it to derive a joint probability across all n bits of the actual information bit value.
Repetition Codes on Fading Channel
For fading channels repetition codes perform well with increasing repetition factor.In this figure, the coding gains for various repetition factors are seen.
Repetition Codes on Gaussian Channel
For the
AWGN channels perform worse for longer repetition factors.In this figure, the coding gains are progressively worse with the increasing parameter.Code parameters
The minimum
Hamming distance (d_{min}) is r for an r,1) repetition code, and there are two valid code words - all ones and all zeros, so theminimum weight (w_{min}) is r. This gives the repetition codean error correcting capacity of frac{r}{2} (i.e. it will correct up to frac{r}{2} errors in any code word).Applications
Due to the simplicity of the channel encoding and decoding for repetition codes,they find applications in fading channels and non-AWGN environments. Repetition codescan be viewed as a method of space-
time diversity as well.Most modulation techniques transmit a bit or chip over many cycles of a sinusoid carrier signal.The low-pass filter used to average the relevant parameter (amplitude, phase, or frequency) over the entire bit-time or chip-time can be seen as a kind of repetition decoder.
UART s, such as the ones used in theFlexRay protocol, use a majority filter to ignore brief noise spikes. This spike-rejection filter can be seen as a kind of repetition decoder.Repetition codes are one of the few known codes that can be easily adjusted to send more or less transmitted bits per source bit in order to adapt to more or less channel noise. Other such adaptive codes include the
fountain code s.ee also
majority logic decoding
*Hamming code
*Convolutional code
*triple modular redundancy #
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