List of villages depopulated during the Arab–Israeli conflict

List of villages depopulated during the ArabIsraeli conflict

Below is a list of villages depopulated and/or destroyed during the Arab-Israeli conflict, many of them during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War (also known as "Nakba" amongst the Palestinians).

=1921 Jaffa riots=

* Jewish population left Jaffa

1929 Palestine riots

Jewish villages

*Bayit VaGan
*Giv'on HaHadashah
*Jewish Quarter of Hebron
*Kfar Ata
*Ramat Rachel

=1936 Arab Revolt=

Jewish villages

*Kfar Shiloah ("now part of Jerusalem")
* the "Yemenite Village" neighborhood in Silwan
*Kfar Etzion

1948 Arab-Israeli War

During the fighting, Palestinians fled towns and villages, both under orders from the surrounding Arab states, and on their own accord. Some towns and villages were forcibly depopulated by the Jewish forces.

Most of the Jewish villages were depopulated as a result of an organized evacuation, in areas where it was thought that they could not hold out against the invading Arab forces. A few were forcibly depopulated.

Jewish villages

Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem were abandoned following the 1948 Jordanian capture. It and some others on the list have been re-settled since the Six-Day War.

In areas that later became the State of Israel

*Beit Yosef
*Masada (depopulated but soon repopulated)
*Mishmar HaYarden
*Sha'ar HaGolan (depopulated but soon repopulated)
*Yad Binyamin

In areas that later became the West Bank (occupied by Jordanian forces)

*Atarot ("now part of Jerusalem")
*Beit HaArava
*Ein Tzurim
*Kfar Etzion
*Masuot Yitzhak
*Neve Yaakov ("now part of Jerusalem")
*Silwan ("now part of Jerusalem")


Gush Etzion: (some of these have been established of previously depopulated villages)
* Alon Shvut
* Bat Ayin
* Betar Illit
* Carmei Tzur
* Efrat
* Elazar
* Gvaot
* Har Gilo
* Kfar Etzion
* Migdal Oz
* Neve Daniel
* Rosh Tzurim

Gaza Strip

*Kfar Darom ("re-settled but evacuated as part of Israel's unilateral disengagement plan of 2005")

Arab villages

Villages are arranged according to the pre-1948 British Mandate subdistrict they were situated in. The list does not include Arab districts of mixed cities which were partly or wholly depopulated, among them Haifa, Lod, Ramla, Safad, Ashdod (Isdud), Ashkelon (Majdal), Tiberias and Bet She'an (Beisan), which generally had majority Arab populations before the war. 422 villages are listed.

District of Acre

* al-Amqa
* Arab al-Samniyya
* al-Bassa
* al-Birwa
* al-Damun
* Dayr al-Qassi
* al-Ghabisiyya
* Iqrit
* Iribbin, Khirbat
* Jiddin, Khirbat
* al-Kabri
* Kafr Bir'im
* Kafr 'Inan
* Kuwaykat
* al-Manshiyya
* al-Mansura
* Mi'ar
* al-Nabi Rubin
* al-Nahr
* al-Ruways
* Suhmata
* al-Sumayriyya
* Suruh
* al-Tall
* Tarbikha
* Umm al-Faraj
* al-Zeeb

District of Baysan

* Arab al-'Arida
* Arab al-Bawati
* Arab al-Safa
* al-Ashrafiyya
* al-Bira
* Danna
* Farwana
* al-Fatur
* al-Ghazzawiyya
* al-Hamidiyya
* al-Hamra
* Jabbul
* Kafra
* Kawkab al-Hawa
* al-Khunayzir
* Masil al-Jizl
* al-Murassas
* Qumya
* al-Sakhina
* al-Samiriyya
* Sirin
* Tall al-Shawk
* al-Taqa, Khirbat
* al-Tira
* Umm 'Ajra
* Umm Sabuna, Khirbat
* Yubla
* Zab'a
* al-Zawiya, Khirbat

District of Beersheba


District of Gaza

* Arab Suqrir
* Barbara
* Barqa
* al-Batani al-Gharbi
* al-Batani al-Sharqi
* Beit Daras
* Bayt 'Affa
* Bayt Jirja
* Bayt Tima
* Bil'in
* Burayr
* Dayr Sunayd
* Dimra
* al-Faluja
* Hamama
* Hatta
* Hiribya
* Huj
* Hulayqat
* Ibdis
* Iraq al-Manshiyya
* Iraq Suwaydan
* Isdud
* al-Jaladiyya
* al-Jiyya
* Julis
* al-Jura
* Jusayr
* Karatiyya
* Kawfakha
* Kawkaba
* al-Khisas
* al-Masmiyya al-Kabira
* al-Masmiyya al-Saghira
* al-Muharraqa
* Najd
* Ni'ilya
* Qastina
* al-Sawafir al-Gharbiyya
* al-Sawafir al-Shamaliyya
* al-Sawafir al-Sharqiyya
* Simsim
* Summil
* Tall al-Turmus
* Yasur

District of Haifa

* Abu Shusha
* Abu Zurayq
* Arab al-Fuqara
* Arab al-Nufay'at
* Arab Zahrat al-Dumayri
* Ayn Ghazal
* Ayn Hawd
* Balad al-Shaykh
* Barrat Qisarya
* Burayka
* al-Burj, Khirbat
* al-Butaymat
* Daliyat al-Rawha'
* al-Dumun, Khirbat
* al-Ghubayya al-Fawqa
* al-Ghubayya al-Tahta
* Hawsha
* Ijzim
* Jaba'
* al-Jalama
* Kabara
* al-Kafrayn
* Kafr Lam
* al-Kasayir, Khirbat
* Khubbayza
* Lid, Khirbat
* al-Manara, Khirbat
* al-Mansi
* al-Mansura, Khirbat
* al-Mazar
* al-Naghnaghiyya
* Qannir
* Qira
* Qisarya
* Qumbaza, Khirbat
* al-Rihaniyya
* Sabbarin
* al-Sarafand
* al-Sarkas, Khirbat
* Sa'sa', Khirbat
* al-Sawamir
* al-Shuna, Khirbat
* al-Sindiyana
* al-Tantura
* al-Tira
* Umm al-Shawf
* Umm al-Zinat
* Wa'arat al-Sarris
* Wadi Ara (village)
* Yajur

District of Hebron

* Ajjur
* Barqusya
* Bayt Jibrin
* Bayt Nattif
* al-Dawayima
* Dayr al-Dubban
* Dayr Nakhkhas
* Kudna
* Mughallis
* al-Qris Horkins
* al-Qubayba
* Ra'na
* Tall al-Safi
* Umm Burj, Khirbat
* az-Zakariyya
* Zayta

District of Jaffa

* al-'Abbasiyya
* Abu Kishk
* Bayt Dajan
* Biyar 'Adas
* Fajja
* al-Haram
* Ijlil al-Qibliyya
* Ijlil al-Shamaliyya
* al-Jammasin al-Gharbi
* al-Jammasin al-Sharqi
* Jarisha
* Kafr 'Ana
* al-Khayriyya
* al-Mas'udiyya
* al-Mirr
* al-Muwaylih
* Rantiya
* al-Safiriyya
* Salama
* Saqiya
* al-Sawalima
* al-Shaykh Muwannis
* Yazur

District of Jerusalem

*Bayt 'Itab
*Bayt Mahsir
*Bayt Naqquba
*Bayt Thul
*Bayt Umm al-Mays
*Dayr Aban
*Dayr 'Amr
*Dayr al-Hawa
*Dayr Rafat
*Dayr al-Shaykh
*Deir Yassin
*Ein Karim
*Ism Allah, Khirbat
*al-Lawz, Khirbat
*Ras Abu 'Ammar
*Sheikh Badr
*al-Tannur, Khirbat
*al-'Umur, Khirbat

District of Jenin

* Ayn al-Mansi
* al-Jawfa, Khirbat
* al-Lajjun
* al-Mazar
* Nuris
* Zir'in

District of Nazareth


District of Ramla

*Abu al-Fadl
*Abu Shusha
*Bayt Far, Khirbat
*Bayt Jiz
*Bayt Nabala
*Bayt Shanna
*Bayt Susin
*Bir Ma'in
*Bir Salim
*al-Buwayra, Khirbat
*Dayr Abu Salama
*Dayr Ayyub
*Dayr Muhaysin
*Dayr Tarif
*al-Duhayriyya, Khirbat
*Majdal Yaba
*al-Mansura, Ramla
*an-Nabi Rubin
*Sarafand al-'Amar
*Sarafand al-Kharab
*Umm Kalkha
*Wadi Hunayn
*Zakariyya, Khirbat

District of Safad

* Abil al-Qamh
* al-'Abisiyya
* Alma
* Ammuqa
* Arab al-Shamalina
* Arab al-Zubayd
* Ayn al-Zaytun
* Baysamun
* Biriyya
* al-Butayha
* al-Buwayziyya
* Dallata
* al-Dawwara
* Dayshum
* al-Dirbashiyya
* al-Dirdara
* Fara
* al-Farradiyya
* Fir'im
* Ghabbatiyya
* Ghuraba
* al-Hamra'
* Harrawi
* Hunin
* al-Husayniyya
* Jahula
* al-Ja'una
* Jubb Yusuf
* Kafr Bir'im
* al-Khalisa
* Khan al-Duwayr
* Karraza, Khirbat
* al-Khisas
* Khiyam al-Walid
* Kirad al-Baqqara
* Kirad al-Ghannama
* Lazzaza
* Madahil
* al-Malikiyya
* Mallaha
* al-Manshiyya
* al-Mansura, Safad
* Mansurat al-Khayt
* Marus
* Mirun
* al-Muftakhira
* Mughr al-Khayt
* al-Muntar, Khirbat
* al-Nabi Yusha'
* al-Na'ima
* Qabba'a
* Qadas
* Qaddita
* Qaytiyya
* al-Qudayriyya
* al-Ras al-Ahmar
* Sabalan
* Safsaf
* Saliha
* al-Salihiyya
* al-Sammu'i
* al-Sanbariyya
* Sa'sa'
* al-Shawka al-Tahta
* al-Shuna
* Taytaba
* Tulayl
* al-'Ulmaniyya
* al-'Urayfiyya
* al-Wayziyya
* Yarda
* al-Zahiriyya al-Tahta
* al-Zanghariyya
* al-Zawiya
* al-Zuq al-Fawqani
* al-Zuq al-Tahtani

District of Tiberias

* Awlam
* al-Dalhamiyya
* Ghuwayr Abu Shusha
* Hadatha
* al-Hamma
* Hittin
* Kafr Sabt
* Lubya
* Ma'dhar
* al-Majdal
* al-Manara
* al-Manshiyya
* al-Mansura, Tiberias
* Nasir al-Din
* Nimrin
* al-Nuqayb
* Samakh
* al-Samakiyya
* al-Samra
* al-Shajara
* al-Tabigha
* al-'Ubaydiyya
* al-Wa'ra al-Sawda', Khirbat
* Yaquq

District of Tulkarm

* Bayt Lid, Khirbat
* Bayyarat Hannun
* Fardisya
* Ghabat Kafr Sur
* al-Jalama
* Kafr Saba
* al-Majdal, Khirbat
* al-Manshiyya
* Miska
* Qaqun
* Raml Zayta
* Tabsur
* Umm Khalid
* Wadi al-Hawarith
* Wadi Qabbani
* al-Zababida, Khirbat
* Zalafa, Khirbat

Six-Day War

Three Arab villages located in the Latrun Corridor were destroyed based on the orders of Yitzhak Rabin due to the corridor's strategic location and route to Jerusalem and because of the residents' alleged aiding of Egyptian commandos in their attack on the city of Lod. The residents of the three villages were offered compensation but were not allowed to return. [Oren, 2002, pp. 307.]

The Latrun villages are the following.
* Beit Nuba
* Imwas
* Yalo
* Dayr Ayyub

Hebron/Bethlehem area [ [!OpenDocument UN Doc] A/8389]
* Surit
* Beit Awwa
* Beit Mirsem
* Shuyukh

Jordan Valley [ [!OpenDocument UN Doc] A/8389]
* al-Jiftlik (depopulated but soon repopulated)
* Agarith
* Huseirat

Jerusalem area [ [!OpenDocument UN Doc] A/8389]
* Nebi Samwil

In addition to the villages abandoned in the West Bank during the Six-Day War, over 100,000 Golan Heights residents abandoned about 25 villages whether on orders of the Syrian government or the fear of an attack by the Israeli Defense Forces and forced expulsion after the cease fire. [ [!OpenDocument UN Doc] A/8089 5 October 1970]

Golan Heights
* Deir El Bteha
* Derbahiya
* Hafar
* Massakieh
* Saiyada

1979 Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty

*Netiv HaAsara, Sinai


*Nelson Village

Second Intifada

A direct result of the Second IntifadaFact|date=April 2008 (on going as of 2008) was Israel's unilateral disengagement plan and subsequent retreat from the Gaza Strip and the abandonment of twenty-one civilian Israeli settlements as well as area in the northern West Bank containing four Israeli villages. The residential buildings were destroyed by Israel and only the public structures were left intact. The religious structures not removed by Israel were later destroyed by the Palestinians.

ee also

*Palestinian refugee camps
*Jewish exodus from Arab lands
*List of Israeli military operations in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war
*List of massacres committed during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war
*List of villages and towns depopulated of Jews during the Holocaust
* and its sub-categories



* Benny Morris The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee problem revisited, pp xiv-xviii. Benny Morris list 389 abandoned villages
* Walid Khalidi (ed.), "All that Remains", Institute for Palestine Studies (Washington), 1992.

External links

* [ map of the 1947 plan]
* [ The Destroyed Villages on Google Earth]
* []
* [ Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maps] (flash website - click Israel's Changing Borders and then Jewish Communities Lost)

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