Estonia at the 1936 Summer Olympics

Estonia at the 1936 Summer Olympics

Infobox Olympics Estonia
games=1936 Summer
competitors= 37 men
sports= 8
flagbearer=Erich Altosaar

Estonia competed at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany.It would be the last time that Estonia would compete at the Summer Games as an independent nation until the 1992 Summer Olympics. After the nation was occupied by the Soviet Union in 1940, Estonian athletes would compete at the Olympic Games as part of the USSR delegations.


The 1936 Estonian Olympic Team

Estonia sent 37 athletes and 13 representatives to those games. ; Representatives Estonian National Olympic Committee representative was Konrad Mauritz. Estonian team representatives were delegation heads: NOC secretary Ado Anderkopp and Harald Tammer, attaché Councillor at the Legation Georg Meri, Officer of the Honorary Service Lieutenant Refior, manager Johannes Villemson, Aleksander Paluvere in athletics, Nikolai Kursman in wrestling, Eduard Kõppo in weightlifting, Peeter Matsov in boxing, Gustav Laanekõrb in sailing, Richard Mast in swimming, Edgar Kolmpere in basketball, Aleksander Praks - massage therapist, Valentin Purre - team chef, dr. Arnold Roomere-Rõmmer - medical doctor.There were also 30 Estonian youths, leaded by Johan Meimer, taking part of The International Youth Encampment and 28 students took part of The International Physical Education Students’ Encampment in Berlin.; Team coaches
Aleksander Klumberg-Kolmpere - athletics, Nikolai Kursman - wrestling, Herbert Niiler - basketball.; Judges
Aleksei Selenoi in basketball, Peeter Matsov in boxing; Johannes Kauba, Karl Kullisaar and Johannes Villemson in wrestling; Other delegationsEstonians in other delegations were Kalev Kotkas (from 1936 fi: Kalevi Kotkas) for flagIOCteam|FIN|1936 Summer in athletics - high jump, Leonard Einsaar for flagIOCteam|AUS|1936 Summer in rowing - men's eights, Valentin Klõšeiko (pl: Walenty Kłyszejko) coach for Polish basketball team.

Aleksander Antson (Eesti Spordipressi Klubi and Uusi Suomi), Oskar Lõvi alias Toomas Kivi (Postimees, Päevaleht and (Eesti Raadio), Aadu Adari-Adorf (Uudisleht), Vladimir Raudsepp (Uus Eesti), Ilmar Peterson (Päevaleht), Aksel Vaik (Vaba Maa), Harald Nõmmik (Rahvaleht). Newspaper columnists Artur Reisner, Evald Äärma, Johannes Villemson, Ernst Idla etc. The International Youth Encampment coverage by R. Uustal and The International Physical Education Students’ Encampment coverage by Arved Ojari.

;Olympic Identity CardsThe Organizing Committee issued 126 Olympic Identity Cards for Estonian participants.

; The menus and preferred dishes of the Estonian team.Large portions of meat prepared in every fashion, little fish and fowl, medium demand for vegetables and salads, large quantities of fruit and milk, especially sour milk, a good cup of coffee with sugar popular, grey and black bread as well as three rolls daily.Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Finland and Denmark preferred cold cuts for lunch as well as salads(small pickles), ample quantities of butter, black bread, crisp bread, bouillon and fruit consommé (blueberry). These nations ate warm meals only in the evening. At the wish of the Dutch team leader, the same menu was served to the Dutch athletes for the first as well as the second breakfast, this comprising eggs, cheese, cold cuts, butter, bread, bouillon and oatmeal porridge.

Results by event

Men's 100 metres
* Ruudi Toomsalu - First Round Heat 3: lost to Wijnand van Beveren flagIOCteam|NED|1936 Summer and Eric Grimbeek flagIOCteam|RSA|1936 Summer; 11,0 3rd place (→ did not advance )Men's 1500 metres
* Reginald Uba - First Round Heat 3: 4.26,2 8th place (→ did not advance )Men's long jump
* Ruudi Toomsalu - Elimination Trials: (Jumps: ~6.75m; X; ~7.00m ) Best: ←7.15 (→ did not advance to Semi-Finals )Men's high jump
* Aksel Kuuse - Semi-Finals: 1.90m (→ did not advance to Final, 10.-11. place )
* Kalevi Kotkas - compited for flagIOCteam|FIN|1936 Summer Final: 2.00m (→ 4. place )Men's pole vault
* Eevald Äärma - Elimination Trials: 3.70m (→ did not advance to Semi-Finals, 26.-28. place )Men's shot put
* Arnold Viiding - Semi-Finals: (Puts: 14.72m; 14.31m; 15.23m ) Best: 15.23m (→ did not advance to Final, 8. place )Men's javelin throw
* Gustav Sule - Semi-Finals: (Throws: 63.26m; 59.90m; 61.00m ) Best: 63.26m (→ did not advance to Final, 11. place )Men's hammer throw
* Koit Annamaa - Semi-Finals: (Throws: 48.77m; 49.54m; 50.46m ) Best: 50.46m (→ did not advance to Final, 8. place )

* Estonian Team: ( Artur Amon, Aleksander Illi, Robert Keres, Vladimir Kärk, Evald Mahl, Heino Veiber-Veskila, Erich Altosaar, Aleksander Margevitš-Margiste, Bernhard Voldemar Nooni, Leonid Saar, Georg Vinogradov, Coach: Herbert Niiler ):* First round: defeated flagIOCteam|FRA|1936 Summer 34-29 :* Second round: lost to flagIOCteam|USA|1936 Summer 28-52 :* Second consolation round: BYE :* Third round: lost to flagIOCteam|PHI|1936 Summer 22-39 (→ did not advance, 9.-14. place )


Men's featherweight (-57,2 kg).
* Evald Seeberg:* First round – defeated Nicolae Berechet flagIOCteam|ROU|1936 Summer with points.:* Second round – lost to Theodore Kara flagIOCteam|USA|1936 Summer with points. (→ did not advance )Men's lightweight (-61,2 kg).
* Nikolai Stepulov:* First round – defeated André Wollscheidt flagIOCteam|LUX|1936 Summer with points.:* Second round – defeated Hidekichi Nagamatsu flagIOCteam|JPN|1936 Summer with points.:* Third round – defeated Carlos Lillo flagIOCteam|CHI|1936 Summer with points.:* Fourth round – defeated Erik Ågren flagIOCteam|SWE|1936 Summer with points.:* Final round – lost to Imre Harangi flagIOCteam|HUN|1936 Summer with points. (→ Silver Medal)

Men's single sculls
* Elmar Korko:* First round: 1st Heat – lost to Roger Verey flagIOCteam|POL|1936 Summer and Santiago de Palma flagIOCteam|BRA|1936 Summer; 7.40,4 (1000m in 3.42,9 ) 3rd place:* Repechage: 1st Heat – lost to Josef Hasenöhrl flagIOCteam|AUT|1936 Summer and Carl Christiansen flagIOCteam|NOR|1936 Summer; 7.44,1 (1000m in 3.39,5 ) 3rd place (→ did not advance to Semi-Final, 13.-16. place )Men's eights
* Leonard Einsaar - compited for flagIOCteam|AUS|1936 Summer First round Heat 2: 4th 6.21,9; Repechage Heat 1: 2nd 6.55,1 (→ did not advance to Final, 8.-11. place )

Olympic monotype
* Erik von Holst - Boat name: "Brandenburg" No. O/G 304 7 races: ( withdraw - 0pts; 6th - 20 pts ; 7th - 19 pts; 21st - 5 pts; 13th - 13 pts; 9th - 17 pts; 22nd - 4 pts ) Total points: 78 (→ )
* Harald Tammik - reserve, Boat name: "Brandenburg" No. O/G 304

Men's 100 m freestyle
* Egon Roolaid - First Heats: 2nd Heat 1.01,5 4th place (→ did not advance to Semi-Finals, 20.-21. place )Men's 100 m backstroke
* Boris Roolaid - First Heats: 4th Heat 1.21,1 4th place (→ did not advance to Semi-Finals, 29. place )

Men's featherweight (-60,0 kg)
* Erm Lund - 270,0kg ( Press: 72,5; Snatch: 85,0; Jerk: 112,5 ) (→ 13. place )Men's lightweight (-67,5 kg)
* Peeter Mürk - 285,0kg ( Press: 75,0; Snatch: 95,0; Jerk: 115,0 ) (→ 11. place )Men's light-heavyweight (-82,5 kg)
* Karl Oole - 320,0kg ( Press: 87,5; Snatch: 100,0; Jerk: 132,5 ) (→ 14. place )Men's heavyweight (+82,5 kg)
* Bronze Medal)


Men's Greco-Roman bantamweight (-56,0 kg)
* Evald Sikk :* First round – lost to Dante Bertoli flagIOCteam|ITA|1936 Summer by judges decision 0:3 ( 3:1 bad points ).:* Second round – defeated Buemberger flagIOCteam|AUT|1936 Summer by a throw in 12.30 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Third round – defeated Ali Erfan flagIOCteam|EGY|1936 Summer by judges decision 3:0 ( 1:3 bad points ).:* Fourth round – defeated Márton Lõrincz flagIOCteam|HUN|1936 Summer by judges decision 3:0 ( 1:3 bad points ).(→ Eliminated with five and more bad points, 6. place )

Men's Greco-Roman lightweight (-66,0 kg)
* Voldemar Väli :* First round – defeated Arild Dahl flagIOCteam|NOR|1936 Summer by a throw in 4.53 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Second round – defeated Heinrich Nettesheim flagIOCteam|GER|1936 Summer by judges decision 3:0 ( 1:3 bad points ).:* Third round – defeated Saim Arikan flagIOCteam|TUR|1936 Summer by judges decision 3:0 ( 1:3 bad points ).:* Fourth round – defeated Zbigniew Szajewski flagIOCteam|POL|1936 Summer by a throw in 15.21 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Fifth round – defeated Herbert Olofsson flagIOCteam|SWE|1936 Summer by a throw in 13.14 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Sixth round – lost to Lauri Koskela flagIOCteam|FIN|1936 Summer by judges decision 1:2 ( 2:1 bad points ).:* Seventh round – lost to Bronze Medal)

Men's Greco-Roman welterweight (-72,0 kg)
* Edgar Puusepp :* First round – lost to Fritz Schäfer flagIOCteam|GER|1936 Summer by judges decision 0:3 ( 3:1 bad points ).:* Second round – defeated Gyula Vincze flagIOCteam|HUN|1936 Summer by a throw in 13.40 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Third round – defeated Jean de Feu flagIOCteam|BEL|1936 Summer by a throw in 6.58 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Fourth round – lost to Rudolf Svedberg flagIOCteam|SWE|1936 Summer by judges decision 0:3 ( 3:1 bad points ). (→ Eliminated with five and more bad points, 4. place )

Men's Greco-Roman middleweight (-79,0 kg)
* Voldemar Mägi :* First round – lost to Väinö Kokkinen flagIOCteam|FIN|1936 Summer by judges decision 1:2 ( 2:1 bad points ).:* Second round – lost to Ercole Gallegati flagIOCteam|ITA|1936 Summer by judges decision 0:3 ( 3:1 bad points ). (→ Eliminated with five and more bad points, )

Men's Greco-Roman light-heavyweight (-87,0 kg)
* August Neo :* First round – advanced without competing:* Second round – lost to Axel Cadier flagIOCteam|SWE|1936 Summer by judges decision 0:3 ( 3:1 bad points ).:* Third round – defeated Franz Foidl flagIOCteam|AUT|1936 Summer by a throw in 4.59 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Fourth round – defeated Umberto Silvestri flagIOCteam|ITA|1936 Summer by a throw in 12.19 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Fifth round – lost to Bronze Medal)

Men's Greco-Roman heavyweight (+87,0 kg)
* Kristjan Palusalu :* First round – defeated Eduard Schöll flagIOCteam|AUT|1936 Summer by a throw in 8.41 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Second round – defeated Zoltán Kondorossy flagIOCteam|ROU|1936 Summer by a throw in 10.36 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Third round – defeated John Nyman flagIOCteam|SWE|1936 Summer by judges decision 3:0 ( 1:3 bad points ).:* Fourth round – defeated Mehmet Çoban flagIOCteam|TUR|1936 Summer by judges decision 3:0 ( 1:3 bad points ).:* Fifth round – defeated Gold Medal)

Men's freestyle lightweight (-66,0 kg)
* Adalbert Toots:* First round – advanced without competing:* Second round – lost to Eiichi Kazama flagIOCteam|JPN|1936 Summer by judges decision 0:3 ( 3:1 bad points ).:* Third round – defeated Howard Thomas flagIOCteam|CAN|1936 Summer by judges decision 3:0 ( 1:3 bad points ).:* Fourth round – lost to Charles Delporte flagIOCteam|FRA|1936 Summer withdrew owing to injury after 4 min. ( 3:0 bad points ). (→ Eliminated with five and more bad points , 8. place )

Men's freestyle welterweight (-72,0 kg)
* August Kukk :* First round – lost to Willy Angst flagIOCteam|SUI|1936 Summer by a throw in 5.40 min. ( 3:0 bad points ).:* Second round – lost to Kálmán Sóvári flagIOCteam|HUN|1936 Summer by judges decision 1:2 ( 2:1 bad points ). (→ Eliminated with five and more bad points, 13. place )

Men's freestyle light-heavyweight (-87,0 kg)
* August Neo :* First round – lost to Knut Fridell flagIOCteam|SWE|1936 Summer by judges decision 0:3 ( 3:1 bad points ).:* Second round – defeated Ede Virág-Ébner flagIOCteam|HUN|1936 Summer by a throw in 9.22 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Third round – defeated Ray Clemons flagIOCteam|USA|1936 Summer by a throw in 8.09 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Fourth round – defeated Paul Dätwyler flagIOCteam|SUI|1936 Summer by judges decision 3:0 ( 1:3 bad points ).:* Fifth round – defeated Silver Medal)

Men's freestyle heavyweight (+87,0 kg)
* Kristjan Palusalu :* First round – defeated Josef Klapuch flagIOCteam|TCH|1936 Summer by a throw in 10.50 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Second round – defeated Robert Herland flagIOCteam|FRA|1936 Summer by a throw in 6.45 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Third round – defeated Mehmet Çoban flagIOCteam|TUR|1936 Summer by judges decision 3:0 ( 1:3 bad points ).:* Fourth round – defeated Werner Bürki flagIOCteam|SUI|1936 Summer by a throw in 6.15 min. ( 0:3 bad points ).:* Fifth round – defeated Gold Medal)


* [ Official Olympic Reports]
* [ International Olympic Committee results database]
*Estonian Olympic Committee [ - about the Berlin 1936 Olympics] (in Estonian)

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