Erdős–Graham conjecture

Erdős–Graham conjecture

The Erdős–Graham conjecture in combinatorial number theory states that, if {2,3,4,...} are partitioned into finitely many subsets, then one of the subsets can be used to form an Egyptian fraction representation of unity. That is, for every "r" > 0, and every "r"-coloring of the integers greater than one, there is a finite monochromatic subset "S" of these integers such that

:sum_{nin S}frac{1}{n} = 1.

In more detail, Paul Erdős and Ronald Graham conjectured that, for sufficiently large "r", the largest member of "S" could be bounded by "br" for some constant "b" independent of "r". It was known that, for this to be true, "b" must be at least "e".

Ernie Croot proved the conjecture as part of his Ph.D thesis, and later (while a post-doctoral student at UC Berkeley) published the proof in the "Annals of Mathematics". The value Croot gives for "b" is very large: it is at most "e"167000. Croot's result follows as a corollary of a more general theorem stating the existence of Egyptian fraction representations of unity for sets "C" of smooth numbers in intervals of the form ["X", "X"1+δ] , where "C" contains sufficiently many numbers so that the sum of their reciprocals is at least six. The Erdős–Graham conjecture follows from this result by showing that one can find an interval of this form in which the sum of the reciprocals of all smooth numbers is at least 6"r"; therefore, if the integers are "r"-colored there must be a monochromatic subset "C" satisfying the conditions of Croot's theorem.

See also

* Conjectures by Erdős


*cite paper
author = Croot, Ernest S., III
title = Unit Fractions
version = Ph.D. thesis
publisher = University of Georgia, Athens
date = 2000

* cite journal
author = Croot, Ernest S., III
year = 2003
title = On a coloring conjecture about unit fractions
journal = Annals of Mathematics
volume = 157
issue = 2
pages = 545–556
id = arxiv|archive = math.NT|id = 0311421

* cite journal
author = Erdős, Paul and Graham, Ronald L.
year = 1980
title = Old and new problems and results in combinatorial number theory
journal = L'Enseignement Mathématique
volume = 28
pages = 30–44

External links

* [ Ernie Croot's Webpage]

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