Pipeline (Transport) — Pipeline Detail einer geflanschten Verbindung einer Pipeline Eine Pipelin … Deutsch Wikipedia
Central Asia-Center gas pipeline system — Central Asia Center is a Gazprom controlled system of natural gas pipelines, which run from Turkmenistan via Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to Russia. The eastern branch consists Central Asia Center (CAC) 1, 2, 4 and 5 pipelines, which start from the… … Wikipedia
Pipeline — Detail einer geflanschten Verbindung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Central Asia — Area 4,003,400 km2 (1,545,721 sq mi)[1] Population 61,551,945 … Wikipedia
Pipeline forwarding — (PF) applies to packet forwarding in computer networks the basic concept of pipelining , which has been widely and successfully used in computing specifically, in the architecture of all major central processing units (CPUs) and manufacturing… … Wikipedia
Central Coast (New South Wales) — Central Coast New South Wales Population: 297,956[1] (9th) • Density … Wikipedia
Central Oil Storage — (COS or Central Storage) is the term used for a communal heating system pioneered in the middle of the twentieth century.The concept was simple and effective, using oil (usually kerosene, but sometimes gas oil) in the way that natural gas is used … Wikipedia
Central Asia-China gas pipeline — The Central Asia China gas pipeline (known also as Turkmenistan China gas pipeline ) is a planned natural gas pipeline to transport natural gas from Central Asia to Xinjiang in China. It is expected that Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan… … Wikipedia
Central Utah Project — The Central Utah Project is a United States federal water project. It was authorized for construction under the Colorado River Storage Project Act of April 11, 1956 (CRSPA) (Public Law 485, [70 Stat. 105] ) as a participating project. In general … Wikipedia
Pipeline transport — An elevated section of the Alaska Pipeline … Wikipedia