- Juglandales
name = Juglandales
image_width = 265px
image_caption = Nogal ("Juglans regia ")
regnum =Plantae
divisio =Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
subclassis =Hamamelidae
ordo = JuglandalesFagales
subdivision_ranks = familia
subdivision =
*Juglandaceae Juglandales is a botanical name for an order of
flowering plants . This order was recognised in several systems (e.g.Engler system andWettstein system ). TheCronquist system placed the order in the subclassHamamelidae , as comprising the families Juglandaceae andRhoipteleaceae , the latter consisting of only a single species.In the
APG II system these two families are united into familyJuglandaceae (with the split into two families being optional), and the family is placed in the orderFagales .External links
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=DWEDAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA25&dq=%22Juglandales&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=kIxOSIHNJYr8swPZm-nhCQ The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture: A Discussion for the Amateur]
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=yjlzrzbRXNQC&pg=PA8&dq=%22Juglandales&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=O4tOSOC-Fo-kswPvzoXsCQ&sig=nnewYVaSn7mfUbXaAdYPvqVmZt8 The families and genera of vascular plants By Klaus Kubitzki]
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=EB6qflbmcrwC&pg=PA206&dq=%22Juglandales&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=O4tOSOC-Fo-kswPvzoXsCQ&sig=WDSD9zOs607Ac72NX0-_hdADdF4 An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants By Arthur Cronquist]
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=X7lfMACvjs4C&pg=PA170&dq=%22Juglandales&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=O4tOSOC-Fo-kswPvzoXsCQ&sig=8otG5KvWeZEaepp6cleEsoZw5Jw#PPA170,M1 Systematic Botany By Subhash C. Datta]
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