- Gomory
The term Gomory may refer to:
* A demon also calledGremory .
* The researcher and mathematicianRalph E. Gomory .:Or the theorem so named for the mathematician.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
The term Gomory may refer to:
* A demon also called
* The researcher and mathematician
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Gomory's theorem — is a theorem in discrete mathematics. It states the following: If you take away one black and one white square from an ordinary 8 times;8 chessboard, it is still possible to cover the board with 2 times;1 dominoes. External links *… … Wikipedia
Gomory — See Gemory … Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
Ralph E. Gomory — Trained as a mathematician, Dr. Ralph E. Gomory first became a researcher and then an executive at IBM. Through his own research he created new areas of applied mathematics and later both participated in and oversaw the development of a broad… … Wikipedia
Gemory — (Gomory) FALLEN ANGEL and 56th of the 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON. Gemory is a powerful duke in HELL with 26 LEGIONs of DEMONs. He appears as a beautiful woman with the crown of a duchess, who rides a camel. He discovers hidden treasures and gives… … Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
Cutting-plane method — In mathematical optimization, the cutting plane method is an umbrella term for optimization methods which iteratively refine a feasible set or objective function by means of linear inequalities, termed cuts. Such procedures are popularly used to… … Wikipedia
Assertive community treatment — Assertive community treatment, or ACT, is a highly intensive and integrated approach for community mental health service delivery. [Dixon, L. (2000). Assertive community treatment: Twenty five years of gold. Psychiatric Services , 51 , 759 765.]… … Wikipedia
Mutilated chessboard problem — a b c d e f g h … Wikipedia
Schnittebenenverfahren — Ein Schnittebenenverfahren (engl. cutting plane algorithm) ist in der angewandten Mathematik ein Algorithmus zur Lösung ganzzahliger linearer Optimierungsprobleme. Die Grundidee besteht darin, statt eines ganzzahligen linearen Programms seine LP… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cutting stock problem — The cutting stock problem is an optimization problem, or more specifically, an integer linear programming problem. It arises from many applications in industry. Imagine that you work in a paper mill and you have a number of rolls of paper of… … Wikipedia
Cutting Stock Problem — Das eindimensionale Zuschnittproblem (engl. one dimensional cutting stock problem) ist ein schweres ganzzahliges lineares Optimierungsproblem mit dem Ziel, eindimensionale Teile in vorgegebenen Bedarfszahlen aus möglichst wenig Stücken Material… … Deutsch Wikipedia