Document Imaging

Document Imaging

Document Imaging is an information technology category for systems capable of replicating documents commonly used in business. Document Imaging Systems can take many forms including microfilm, on demand printers, facsimile machines, copiers, multifunction printers, document scanners, Computer Output Microfilm (COM) and archive writers. In the last 15 years Document Imaging has been used to describe software-based computer systems that capture, store and reprint images.

Document Imaging is part of the set of technologies within the Enterprise Content Management category.

In the early days of content management technologies, the term "Document Imaging" was used interchangeably with "Document Image Management" as the industry tried to separate itself from the micrographic and reprographic technologies. Organizations like National Micrographic Association (NMA) and American Records Manager Association (ARMA) found themselves inventing new ways to describe these new archive and library tools. The 'NMA' became the Association of Image and Information Management. Currently, document imaging industry information can be found at the Association for Information and Imaging Management (AIIM). A certification for document imaging can be obtained from CompTIA called the CDIA+. [ [ CompTIA CDIA+™ Certification description] ]

In the late 80's and early 90's a new document management technology emerged: Electronic Document Management. This new technology was built around the need to manage and secure the volume of electronic documents (spreadsheets, word processing documents) created in organizations. Electronic documents can change constantly and those changes require security authorizations and tracking, which are the core functionality of an EDMS (Electronic Document Management System).

EDMS is not limited to native word processing and spreadsheet files, scanned images also have a life being redacted by users as you would a paper document.


ee also

* Document management system
* Records management
* MS Technology
* LEAD Technologies

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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