KLM UK is the former name of a British subsidiary of KLM operating short-range Fokker aircraft. Originally known as AirUK it had an engineering base at Norwich International Airport in Norfolk, England, which began as Air Anglia.

The name "KLM uk" was used starting in 1998. The airline operated ATR-72, Fokker 50 and Fokker 100 aircraft on a variety of routes within the UK and between the UK and the Netherlands. KLM uk had a significant number of flights from Stansted Airport.


In 2000, the airline started the Buzz low-cost subsidiary, whose livery was yellow. That airline operated a number of aircraft types, including some BAe 146 and Boeing 737-300 from the KLM UK fleet. Buzz was sold to Ryanair in 2003. The remainder of KLM UK operations were merged into KLM Cityhopper.

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