Peter T. Kirstein

Peter T. Kirstein

Peter T. Kirstein is a British computer scientist, best known for playing a significant role in the creation of the Internet.

He received a B.A. from Cambridge University in 1954, an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University (in 1955 and 1957, respectively) and a D.Sc. in engineering from the University of London in 1970.

He was a member of the staff at CERN from 1959-1963. He did research for General Electric at Zurich from 1963-1967. He was a professor at the University of London from 1970-1973. After that, he joined the faculty at the University College London, where he has been ever since (serving as head of the computer science department from 1980-1994).

Early in the development of the Internet, he co-authored (with Vint Cerf) one of the most significant early technical papers on the internet concept. His research group at UCL played a significant role in the very earliest experimental Internet work.

He was awarded the CBE for his work on the Internet. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, an Honorary Foreign Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society. He has also received the SIGCOMM Award in 1999, and the Postel Award in 2003, as well as various other award for his contributions to the development of the Internet internationally.


* Vinton G.Cerf, Peter Kirstein, "Issues in packet-network interconnection" ("Proceedings of the IEEE", pp. 1386-1408, November 1978)

External links

* [ Home page]
** [ Profile]
** [ Publications]
* [ Kirstein recognized with Postel Award]
* ['sdistinguishedfellowship.htm Awarded BCS's distinguished fellowship]

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