Rad may mean:

* Rad: Awesome, Cool
* Abreviation for Radical
* Rad (comics), a villainous character in AC Comics's Femforce
* "Rad" (film), a 1986 release about a young BMX rider
* Rad (Transformers), several fictional characters in the Transformers toy line
* Rad (unit), a largely obsolete unit of absorbed radiation dose
* Rad (village), in Trebišov District, Slovakia
* Rad, a character in My-Otome
* Radian, a unit of angle
* Radiator
* Radical, English slang for cool
* Radical, mathematical operator (see [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABC_conjecture#Formulation abc Conjecture] )
* FK Rad, a Serbian football club
* RaD Man, a computer artist and historian

Three letter acronym

* RAD Data Communications, developer and manufacturer of network access equipment
* RAD Research Architecture Design, architecture design firm based in HK founded by Aaron Tan
* RAD Game Tools, a video game development tools provider
* Radley railway station, England; National Rail station code RAD
* Rapid-access disc, a high-speed disk drive
* Rapid application development, an iterative application development methodology derived from Information Engineering
* Rational Application Developer, an integrated development environment (IDE) made by IBM's Rational Software division
* Reactive Airway Disease, "a.k.a." Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS)
* Reactive attachment disorder, an emotional disorder
* Reflex anal dilatation, a controversial diagnostic technique
* Reichsarbeitsdienst, the World War II-era German "National Labor Service"
* Relative Abundance Distribution, a measure of biodiversity
* Researchers Alliance for Development, a World Bank multidisciplinary network of researchers
* Right Axis Deviation, a heart condition where the electrical conduction of the heart is beyond normal limits
* Rite Aid, NYSE stock symbol RAD
* Robot Alchemic Drive, a video game for the PlayStation 2
* Rose Ann Dimalanta, an artist, singer and keyboardist
* Royal Academy of Dance, a London-based International dance examination board specialising in Classical Ballet
* Ruby Arduino Development, an open source Ruby-based programming framework for the Arduino platform ( [http://rad.rubyforge.org/ website] )

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  • rad — [ rad ] n. m. • 1953; de radiation ♦ Métrol. Ancienne unité de mesure de dose absorbée de rayonnements ionisants (symb.rd), égale à 10 2 gray. ⊗ HOM. Rade. rad radian [ radjɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1904; mot angl. 1879; du lat. radius « …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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