

Susuhunan is a title used by the kings of Mataram and then by the hereditary rulers of Surakarta, Indonesia. The rulers of Surakarta traditionally adopt the reign name Pakubuwono (also spelled "Pakubuwana"). Susuhunan is specific to the rulers of Surakarta; the rulers of Yogyakarta, who are also descended from the Mataram dynasty have the title Sultan.

List of Susuhunan of Surakarta

* Pakubuwono II, 17271749 (Kartasura and Surakarta)
* Pakubuwono III, 17491788
* Pakubuwono IV, 17881820
* Pakubuwono V, 18201823
* Pakubuwono VI, 18231830, ("Pangeran Bangun Tapa")
* Pakubuwono VII, 18301858
* Pakubuwono VIII, 18591861
* Pakubuwono IX, 18611893
* Pakubuwono X, 18931939
* Pakubuwono XI, 19391944
* Pakubuwono XII, 19442004
* Pakubuwono XIII 2005Note: There are two rival claimants to the throne, the half-brothers of Pakubuwono XII. As of February 2008, the succession had not been decided.

ee also



Miksic, John (general ed.), et al. (2006) "Karaton Surakarta. A look into the court of Surakarta Hadiningrat, central Java" (First published: 'By the will of His Serene Highness Paku Buwono XII'. Surakarta: Yayasan Pawiyatan Kabudayan Karaton Surakarta, 2004) Marshall Cavendish Editions Singapore ISBN 981-261-226-2

External links

[ "In a Sultanate Known as Solo, One Too Many Kings,"] "NY Times" Feb. 17, 2008, by Seth Mydans

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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