

"Risus: The Anything RPG" is a rules-light generic role-playing game (RPG) written, designed and illustrated by S. John Ross of Cumberland Games and Diversions.cite web| url=http://www.gamegrene.com/node/113|title=The Homebrew Review, #2: Risus| year = 2001| publisher=Gamegrene.com|accessdate=2007-09-30] cite web| url=http://www.rpg.net/news+reviews/reviews/rev_4955.html| title=Risus: The Anything RPG (review)| last = Bullock| first = Larry| year = 2001| publisher=RPGnet|accessdate=2003-09-30] cite web|url=http://pen-paper.net/rpgdb.php?op=showcreator&creatorid=1019| title = S. John Ross ludography | publisher=Pen and Paper [http://pen-paper.net/] | accessdate=2007-09-30] "Risus" is available for free on the web. It was first published online in 1993. Earlier versions of the game were titled "GUCS: The Generic Universal Comedy System" (a parody of "GURPS") and were distributed privately beginning in 1989.

"Risus" (Latin forlaughter”) is a comedy game (often described by its creator as a "joke game") and uses a cliché (character class) system inspired by the broad "career scale" skills in Greg Gorden's "DC Heroes RPG" (Mayfair Games), and later influenced by Atlas Games' "Over the Edge". The core systems of "Risus" owe their largest debt to the " Ghostbusters RPG" published by West End Games, and to "Tunnels and Trolls" by Ken St. Andre. The game itself also cites "GURPS" as an influence, along with "FUDGE", another free RPG released to the web a year earlier. Several more recent games have been, in turn, influenced by "Risus."

Despite the game's small size and admittedly joking nature, there are more than 30 fan-authored websites devoted to "Risus," some including several rules variants, simple worldbooks, and wholly rewritten adaptations of the game. "Risus" itself has been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Croatian, Czech, Polish, and Norwegian.cite web|url=http://www222.pair.com/sjohn/risus.htm| title=Risus: The Anything RPG homepage |accessdate=2003-09-30] In December, 2003, Cumberland Games began to support the free game with commercial supplements, beginning with the "Risus Companion" and the founding of the International Order of Risus. An example of another commercial product is "A Kringle in Time", "an adventure about saving Christmas from ancient evil." [cite web| url=http://www.ogrecave.com/reviews/kringle.shtml| title= A Kringle in Time (review)|last=Katz|first=Demian| publisher=OgreCave.com [http://www.ogrecave.com/] |accessdate=2007-09-30]

"New Risus" won the 2001 inaugural RPGnet award for "Best Free RPG". [cite web|url=http://www.rpg.net/news+reviews/columns/awards05dec01.html| title=RPGnet 2001 Award Results| publisher= RPGnet |accessdate=2007-09-30]

"Risus Companion"

"The Risus Companion" is the first commercial supplement of "Risus". S. John Ross wrote and published the "Risus Companion" on the 10th anniversary of "Risus" on the World Wide Web, in order to provide a foundation for "Risus" as a commercial venture. "Risus" itself remains free of charge, allowing "Risus" fans the option to support "Risus" if they choose and be materially rewarded for doing so. The "Risus Companion" is an electronic document in PDF form, made available to all members of the International Order of Risus.

International Order of Risus

The International Order of Risus is the official fan club of "Risus". The Order is, according to their own charter, dedicated to promoting "Risus" and to "imposing our iron will upon an unsuspecting universe."


External links

* [http://risus.cumberlandgames.com The Official "Risus" Home Page]
* [http://www.cumberlandgames.com Cumberland Games & Diversions]
* [http://www222.pair.com/sjohn/charter.htm The IOR Charter]
* [http://risusiverse.wetpaint.com/ "Risusiverse": a "Risus" fanzine in wiki format]

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