- Situationist Times
"The Situationist Times" ran to six issues edited and published by
Jacqueline de Jong between May1962 and December1964 inHengelo (The Netherlands ),Copenhagen andParis , in editions of between 1,000-2,000. Contributors include:Theo Wolvecamp , de Jong,Armando , Vanderkamm,Gruppe SPUR , de Boer,Edle Hansen , Singer,Gordon Fazarkely , M. Bucaille, G. Hay,Asger Jorn , P. Schat,Noel Arnaud ,Pierre Alechinsky ,Boris Vian , and many others.No. 3
This issue is the "International British Edition";
No. 4
This issue deals with labyrinths;
No. 5
This issues deals with the Ring , the interlaced ring and consequently the
Chain .:a letter from Luc d'Heusch,:"Mind and Sense" byAsger Jorn :"Der Kleine Bootsmann" (seventeenth century Danish poem):"Art and Orders" by Asger Jorn:"Regular forms of closed non-orientabe surfaces" byLech Tomaszewski :Extract from "Het Verleden van Oost-Europa" by Dr. Z. R. Diettrich:Extract from "Topology " by Patterson:"Cosmogonie annulaires", "Port d'Anneau" and "Structure d'Anneau" byMax Bucaille :"Von den Polyeder zu den gekrümmten Flächen" by Professor W. Lietzmann:Origin et géénéologie d'Anneau" by Max Bucaille:"Forgotten knowledge of the universe in the children's hopscotch" by Virtus Schade:"L'infini du doigt" by Max Bucaille:"L'anneau retrouvé" - folk tale fromKashmir :"Cercles mysterieux" by Max Bucaille:"Ringsleken en Ringrijden" - Children's game:"Noeds et dénouments" by D. G. Emmerich:"Die Legende des Heiligen Oswald":"Cinétisations" by Pol Bury:"What goes up still goes down" by Dr Narlikar and ProfessorFred Hoyle :"Kreisen, Kreissegementen und Wellenlinien usw. by F. van der Waals:"Die Parabel des 3 Ringe (Nathan der Weise )"Gotthold Ephraim Lessing :"Some mathematical aspects" by H. C. Doets:"Tournures" by D. G. Emmerich:"Venus de l'île" by Mérimée:Extract from the Opera "The Labyrinth" byPeter Schat :Drawings b Karl Pelgram:Poems and drawings by Jim Ryan:"No happy returns for me" by E. MazmanNo. 6
(International Parisian Edition) contains 33 lithographs (Alechinsky, Klasen, Jorn,
Wifredo Lam ,Roberto Matta , Topor, Saura.)
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