

Demas, mentioned by the Apostle Paul in the New Testament of the Bible, appears to have been a man involved in the ministry as a companion of Paul.[1][2] He was with Paul during his first imprisonment in Rome,[3] but later when Paul wrote Second Timothy he said that Demas had forsaken him, "having loved this present world."

Paul writes that Demas, as a result of his love for this present age (also sometimes translated "world"), left him and went to Thessalonica. This stands as a warning to all Christians that we should not love this world, its system that is opposed to God and His rule. In I John 2:15 believers are challenged not to love this world, or the things of the world. Demas is an example of one whose life we should not emmulate.

Fictional References

In The Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan writes of Demas, a deceiver, who beckons to pilgrims at the Hill Lucre, urging them to join in the supposed silver mining being carried out there.

In Shane Johnson's 2007 novel, The Demas Revelation, Demas plays a pivotal role in the plot of the story and lends his name to the title.


  1. ^ Epistle to the Colossians, chapter 4, verse 14
  2. ^ Epistle to Philemon, chapter 1, verse 24.
  3. ^ Acts of the Apostles, chapter 28, verse 16

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  • demás — adjetivo,pronombre indefinido 1. Indica a los individuos de un conjunto o la parte de un todo que no han sido mencionados: Después saludó a las demás amigas. Los demás del equipo saldrán ahora. No quería hablar de lo demás. Observaciones: Suele… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

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