- Scala tympani
Infobox Anatomy
Latin =
GraySubject = 232
GrayPage = 1050
Caption = Interior of right osseous labyrinth. (Scala tympani labeled at right, insidecochlea .
Width = 300
Caption2 = Cross section of the cochlea (scala tympani labeled at bottom)
System =
MeshName = Scala+Tympani
MeshNumber = A09.246.631.246.848
DorlandsPre = s_03
DorlandsSuf = 12721078Scala tympani is one of the
perilymph -filled cavities in thecochlear labyrinth . It is separated from thescala media by thebasilar membrane , and it extends from theround window to thehelicotrema , where it continues asscala vestibuli .The purpose of the perilymph-filled scala tympani and
scala vestibuli is to transduce the movement of air that causes thetympanic membrane and theossicles to vibrate, to movement of liquid and thebasilar membrane . This movement is conveyed to theorgan of Corti inside the scala media, composed ofhair cell s attached to the basilar membrane and theirstereocilia embedded in thetectorial membrane . The movement of the basilar membrane compared to the tectorial membrane causes the sterocilia to bend. They then depolarise and send impulses to the brain via thecochlear nerve . This produces the sensation ofsound .
=AdditionalExternal links
* [http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medicine/anatomy/histoweb/eye_ear/ear03.htm Slide] from
University of Kansas
* [http://anatomy.iupui.edu/courses/histo_D502/D502f04/lecture.f04/Earf04/cochlea.jpgDiagram] atIUPUI
* [http://faculty.une.edu/com/abell/histo/cochleaw.jpgImage] atUniversity of New England, Maine
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.