List of Lepidoptera that feed on Viburnum
- List of Lepidoptera that feed on Viburnum
"Viburnum" species are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera species including:
Species which feed exclusively on "Viburnum"
* Coleophoridae
** "Coleophora viburniella"
Species which feed on "Viburnum" among other plants
* Arctiidae
** Garden tiger moth ("Arctia caja")
* Coleophoridae
** "Coleophora ahenella"
* Geometridae
** Autumnal Moth ("Epirrita autumnata")
** Common Emerald ("Hemithea aestivaria")
** Feathered Thorn ("Colotois pennaria")
** Winter Moth ("Operophtera brumata")
* Lymantriidae
** Brown-tail ("Euproctis chrysorrhoea")
* Noctuidae
** Grey Chi ("Antitype chi")
** The Satellite ("Eupsilia transversa")
** Setaceous Hebrew Character ("Xestia c-nigrum")
** Small Angle Shades ("Euplexia lucipara")
* Notodontidae
** Buff-tip ("Phalera bucephala")
External links
* [ Caterpillar Hostplants Database]
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