2009 Voloshina

2009 Voloshina

Minor Planet
name = 2009 Voloshina
discoverer = T.M. Smirnova
discovery_date = October 22, 1968
designations = 1968 UL
category = main belt
epoch = November 26, 2005 (JD2453700.5 )
semimajor = 3.11 AU
perihelion = 2.66 AU
aphelion = 3.56 AU
eccentricity = 0.14
period = 2005.65 d 5.49 a
inclination = 2.86 °
asc_node = 107.62°
arg_peri = 8.00°
mean_anomaly = 208.19°
speed =16.79 km/s
dimensions =17.41 km
mass =
density =
gravity =
escape_velocity =
rotation =
spectral_class =
abs_mag =10.8
albedo = .07
temperature =

2009 Voloshina is a main belt asteroid discovered in 1968 by T.M. Smirnova.


* [http://www.hohmanntransfer.com/cgi-bin/get.cgi Catchall Catalog of Minor Planets]
* [http://hamilton.dm.unipi.it/cgi-bin/astdys/astibo?objects:Voloshina;main AstDys]
* [http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.html JPL Horizons. Telnet version is more comprehensive than the web version. ] "See also": List of asteroids

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