

The Microbric I-Bot is a small robot that was distributed as a build-it-yourself kit by the Adelaide Advertiser newspaper in South Australia, in November-December 2005. It is designed to be used as an introduction to electronics and to teach robotics.

The I-Bot was created by Microbric, manufactured by [http://www.tytronics.com.au Tytronics] , distributed by The Advertiser/Sunday Mail (Newspapers in Education) and supported by the Electronics Industry Association in Australia.

With the aid of internet forums, a community of I-bot users has rapidly grown around this little electronic gizmo.


Programs can be created and uploaded to the I-Bot, via PC and Mac software available from the I-Bot website. A simple graphical interface is used to create programswhich can then be uploaded to the I-Bot via holding it up to a flashing square on the display.

The programmer requires internet access, but I-Bot programs can be shared with others using a 'shareId' number.

Available programs

* 312 - Plays "We wish you a Merry Christmas" music (by Zetter)
* 318 - As 312, but with cycling lights (by Zetter)
* 341 - Reverse Parallel Park (by Jimbot)
* 480 - Plays "Can Can" music (by Joshua Bost)
* 714 - Take a Bow (by pschulz01)
* 748 - As 714, but with IR control (by pschulz01)
* 725 - Turn, Twist and Shake (by Aquaspoon)
* 847 - Timer Demonstration (by sgregory)
* 969 - Bump-n-go (by sgregory)
* 1188 - Play "Jingle Bells" music (by craig)
* 1274 - Play "Swan Lake" music (by brenton)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

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