Petra Schürmann

Petra Schürmann

Petra Schürmann (born 15 September 1935 in Mönchengladbach) won the 1956 Miss World contest, representing West Germany. She became the first woman from (West) Germany to win the title. The pageant was held in London, United Kingdom. Interestingly, Petra Schürmann only came third in the Miss Germany pageant, but was chosen to represent her country in London because of her better knowledge of English.

At that time she studied philosophy and history of the arts at the universities of Bonn and Cologne. After winning her Miss World title she continued her studies in Munich.

Beginning with the 1960s she entered an ongoing radio and television career, primarily with the Munich based Bayerischer Rundfunk. She also did some acting and wrote some books.

In 1973 she married the physician Dr. Gerhard Freund, who already back in 1967, under a veil of secrecy, became the father of their daughter Alexandra. This was a time when he was still wed to German actress Marianne Koch. Alexandra Freund also had a successful career with the Munich broadcaster but died in 2001 aged 34 from an automobile accident.

Since then Petra Schürmann has retired with her husband to their house on the shores of Lake Starnberg south of Munich.


* [ Article in "Stern" magazine] - richly illustrated (German)

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