Dublin Philosophical Society
- Dublin Philosophical Society
The Dublin Philosophical Society was founded in 1683 by William Molyneux.[1] It was intended to be the equivalent of the Royal Society in London, with which it maintained cultural ties. Among its most prominent members were William Petty, Archbishop Narcissus Marsh, Archbishop William King and Bishop George Berkeley. Most of its members were graduates of Trinity College, Dublin, and a number of them were Fellows of the College, but it had closer ties with the Royal College of Physicians.
It existed for three periods: 1683-1687, 1692–1698 and 1707-1708. Although it in itself played a small role in intellectual Dublin life, it inspired the foundation of the Dublin Society founded in 1731, which became the Royal Dublin Society in 1820. Molyneux's brother, Thomas Molyneux, was one of the founding members of the Dublin Society.
Categories: - 1683 establishments
- Organisations based in Dublin (city)
- Learned societies of Ireland
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